Dobré víly dětem, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups

We give children from children's homes our time, attention and love

As long as there are 142 children's homes in the Czech Republic, we want each of them to have its own Good Fairy. Join us and support our activities.

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Unfortunately, not everyone has a happy childhood.

We cannot influence what children have experienced, but we want them to believe that they can be happy and successful in life.

With regular visits, a personal, friendly approach and individual support, we give children from children's homes the most valuable thing - time, attention and love. We prepare with children for school and help them to develop their independence and self-confidence.

Thank you for being with us. Together we can put a smile on more children's faces. :)


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Věcí a hraček se vždy asi sežene dost, ale aby si na děti někdo udělal čas, to je nade vše.

CZK 2,000

Díky za možnost se zapojit. A't se vše vydaří.

Milan Roháček
CZK 1,200

Držíme moc palce!

Gabriel Jankó
CZK 600

Preju detem vice dobrych vil…jste opravdove vily a andele!

Ondrej Bula
CZK 500


Jan Blažek
CZK 800

Líbí se mi Váš projekt a myšlenka, že děti nepotřebují drahé hračky, ale lásku. Přeji si, aby se Vám podařilo předat lásku a pozornost, co nejvíce dětem.


Děkuji za vaši práci

CZK 10,000


Petra Kubikova
CZK 1,200

Nejborec Vláďa Ž.

Jan Marek
CZK 500

Dobry den,

delate skvely projekt, preji hodne sil a at se Vam vsem dari.


CZK 3,000