We help independent journalists report political repressions and human rights abuses. We support investigative media that bring corruption to light and expose power interests. We work with human rights defenders to monitor human rights abuses. Also, our partners are local associations of active citizens, dealing with environmental protection, assistance to victims of domestic violence, transparency of public procurement or caring for orphans.
The invasion of Russian troops puts all these great people in double danger.
Experience from the Russian annexation of Crimea shows that immediately after the entry of Russian troops, there was a severe decimation of active civil society. Journalists, activists, human rights defenders and others have been persecuted, bullied, imprisoned, tortured, abducted and, in some cases, killed.
The same is currently happening on an even larger scale in other territories of Ukraine, occupied by the Russian army.
That is why we want to provide assistance and support to these brave people, whether they decide to stay in place and continue their activities despite the risks, or if they are forced to leave Ukraine in order to preserve their own lives or the safety of their families.
Help with us. Thank you.
S důvěrou, že to děláte dobře, a s nadějí, že to nebude nutné po ještě dlouhou dobu...
Díky za vaši činnost. Ukrajincům přeji rychlý návrat do normálu a zotavení z traumatu a Rusům přeji odvahu a možnosti něco se svým despotickým zřízením provést, jsou to taky chudáci - tedy ti, co s Putinovským režimem nesouhlasí... přicházejí o národní identitu. Ukrajinci, pevně věřím, získají zpět svou zemi v plné svrchovanosti. Nám "ze západu" přeji odvahu přijmout tvrdé sankce a nést následky.
Díky za pomoc na Ukrajině!
Слава Україні!
dík za to, co děláte!
It just a small amount, but I hope that it a support to save at least one life of a courage man or woman in Ukrain 🇺🇦
The journey to the light is hard and difficult.. You are the sun!!!
Na pomoc potřebným a obranu svobody a míru
Hodně sil.