Human Rights Help for Ukraine

Let's support Ukrainian civil society representatives in the third year of the Russian invasion

For the third year now, people in Ukraine have faced bombing and destruction of infrastructure. They are facing water and heat shortages due to frequent power cuts caused by targeted Russian attacks. It is civil society initiatives and organisations, particularly in the southern and eastern regions, that are helping locals to survive the difficult times. Please join us in supporting the representatives of civil society so that they can continue their efforts to help during the next winter. Thanks to your donations, they can distribute back-up energy sources in Mykolaiv and construction materials with tools and medicines wherever they are needed in Kherson. The funds raised are also used to support organisations providing psychological care for children in areas near the front line within sight of the destroyed Kakhovka Dam. Last but not least, your donation will help evacuate people who are in immediate danger of their lives. Learn more about how your donation helps Ukrainian civil society in the Updates below.

we started on 2022-02-25

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We have been operating in Ukraine since 2014 and during that time we have managed to establish partnerships with many local organizations, to which we have so far provided support in building a conscious civil society.

We help independent journalists report political repressions and human rights abuses. We support investigative media that bring corruption to light and expose power interests. We work with human rights defenders to monitor human rights abuses. Also, our partners are local associations of active citizens, dealing with environmental protection, assistance to victims of domestic violence, transparency of public procurement or caring for orphans.

The invasion of Russian troops puts all these great people in double danger.

Experience from the Russian annexation of Crimea shows that immediately after the entry of Russian troops, there was a severe decimation of active civil society. Journalists, activists, human rights defenders and others have been persecuted, bullied, imprisoned, tortured, abducted and, in some cases, killed.

The same is currently happening on an even larger scale in other territories of Ukraine, occupied by the Russian army.

That is why we want to provide assistance and support to these brave people, whether they decide to stay in place and continue their activities despite the risks, or if they are forced to leave Ukraine in order to preserve their own lives or the safety of their families.

Help with us. Thank you.
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Last week, thanks to your help, we sent an EcoFlow generator to Ukraine, which will be used by medics helping directly at the front line. Silent generators of this type are much safer for working in combat conditions, and so can keep field hospitals running around the clock, helping wounded soldiers. We will continue to help!

Tetiana Zhukova, a Ukrainian human rights defender from the ZMINA organization, visited Prague. We organized a series of meetings with candidates for the European Parliament. She informed them about the human rights violations in the occupied territories of Ukraine and about the ways they can help resolve the situation if they get into the European Parliament. Tetiana also gave several interviews to czech media and met with Deputy Foreign Minister Jan Marian.

We supported the reconstruction work at the blood centre in Kherson region of Ukraine. Electrical wiring was completed, temperature regime was ensured and floor tiles were laid in the cooling room of the centre, which is located in the safety of the fallout shelter. The constant shelling of Kherson and the surrounding area and the previous theft of medical equipment by the occupiers has worsened the availability of health care for the locals. That is why we supported this activity of Moja Chersonščina.

At the request of the chief doctor, we do not give the exact location or name of the hospital, due to fear of bombing the facility by the Russian army.

Protective equipment, first aid kits and hemostatic tourniquets were delivered to Fund Union. The organization trains and equips local women in the almost daily bombardment of Kherson so that they can provide immediate first aid if necessary. These are mainly members of local initiatives who are moving and helping in the de-occupied and highly dangerous parts of the Kherson region of Ukraine.

NESEHNUTÍ in cooperation with the Ukrainian initiative Pyatichatky BAM provided 21 beds for two hospitals in the Kharkiv region, one of which has a palliative care unit. Both are currently equipped with outdated equipment and furniture. The Kharkiv region of Ukraine continues to be the target of massive bombardment by the Russian army after liberation from occupation, destroying civilian infrastructure, including medical facilities.

We are also very grateful to the organization Centrum Seniorů Mělník, which donated the beds, to the organization Koridor UA for help with transport, to the Government Commissioner for Reconstruction of Ukraine, Tomáš Kopečný, and to the Pomoc Ukrajině Foundation.

We supported the Ukrainian initiative Raffstar Kids, helping children cope with the trauma of war. Thanks to the financial support, the initiative renovated the premises where it runs a kindergarten and a leisure centre. It provides the children with a quiet environment, art therapy classes and many other activities. The facility is located in a de-occupied part of Kherson.

In cooperation with a partner organisation in Kherson, we have purchased* night vision goggles for local rescue units, so that they do not have to use lights to work after dark. This will make it harder for the Russian military's favorite pastime of locating rescue units by lights and attacking them with drones.

"...At a time when the enemy is hunting with their drones all those who help civilians in areas close to the front, the equipment provided will allow rescue workers to do their job in the Kherson region more safely and effectively."

We retrofitted the Cherson shelter for survivors of domestic violence with technology. The interior of this facility was damaged by a Russian missile in September 2023. Even before the large-scale Russian invasion, NESEHNUT actively supported the successful "Kherson without Violence" campaign that led to the establishment of this important shelter, the only one in the Kherson region at the time. Thanks to your help, we have now supplied the shelter with the necessary office equipment.

We supported the operation of a community bicycle workshop in Chernihiv, Northern Ukraine, which was significantly affected at the start of the Russian invasion in 2022. The workshop provides the local community with access to bicycle repair and maintenance. They also use donated parts to assemble bicycles for those who need them. Support for Eko Misto will help the organization continue to operate the bike workshop and host community events where locals learn to maintain and repair bikes.

We have long supported the Centre for the Protection of Human Rights in Mykolayiv, which provides drinking water for the residents*of this invasion-hit city. Czech Television filmed a report on the water problem and local aid. (video only in czech)

We arranged a meeting with several Czech senators and MPs for our colleagues from Ukrainian human rights organisations who came to the International Crimea Platform summit in Prague. Together, they discussed ways to help people who are imprisoned by Russia in occupied Crimea for political reasons. As a first step, the senators and MPs promised to send letters of support to the detainees.

"In the Czech Republic, there is a deep understanding of what is happening in Ukraine, including at all levels of government. There is a desire to help the Kherson region," Anastasia Hriško shares her impressions after a successful advocacy trip to Prague organized by NESEHNUTÍ. 

As the executive director of the Union civic organization, she and her family faced the difficult conditions of the Russian occupation in Kherson.

During this trip, we had the privilege of meeting a number of prominent Czech politicians, such as the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Markéta Pekarová Adamová and Senator Marek Hilšer. Together we were looking for a solution for the Kherson region after the de-occupation.

"...Russian soldiers come to the house of a lone woman and de facto ask her to serve them. The Ukrainian woman does their laundry, cooks for them and is forced to have sex." 

This is how survivors of sexual violence in Ukraine describe the recurring pattern of humiliation and abuse. Supporting survivors directly is very difficult. Anonymous telephone counselling has proven to be one effective way to reach them. That is why we have long supported the Ukrainian organisation Pravo na zdorovia, which runs a supportive telephone counselling service.

The installation of the first solar power plant at the Zhytomyr Municipal Hospital was successful! It was possible thanks to the Brno company SOLSOL, which decided to donate one of its power plants, and for this we owe them our great gratitude. In cooperation with Corridor UA, it ensured safe and smooth transport of the material directly to Zhytomyr. Thus, the hospital now has another backup (and clean) source of energy in case of supply disruptions caused by bombing, which is happening more and more frequently. The collection for solar power plants for Ukrainian hospitals goes on!

On Tuesday, 6 June, the giant Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine was breached as a result of the Russian invasion. Water from the dam swept away houses, flooded dozens of towns and villages, and people had to evacuate. It is a humanitarian and environmental disaster.
We immediately sent funds to our partner organisation operating in the area to purchase two boat trailers, which are essential for the work of the rescue forces.
Your donations will support the purchase of other essential equipment such as boats, pumps and other equipment for rescue workers. If you can, please contribute to further aid in the south of Ukraine.

Distribution of clothing for families of refugees organized by partner organization "Vychid" in Mykolajiv.

Co zbylo z osvobozeného Chersonu

Po osmi měsících osvobodila 11. listopadu ukrajinská armáda Cherson. Jak město vypadalo dva týdny po odchodu okupačních vojsk? To přímo z místa popsala novinářka Larisa Kalik, podporovaná NESEHNUTÍM.

How our colleague experienced helping Ukraine.

How our colleague experienced helping Ukraine.

Three Ukrainian human rights defenders, Mariia Sulialina, Daryna Pidhorna and Yuliya Sporysh, spoke at a public hearing in the Chamber of Deputies. At the hearing in the Chamber of Deputies and in meetings with the media, they presented the current situation in Ukraine and the war crimes their organisations have documented - sexual violence, deportations and abductions, re-education of children and militarisation of youth in the occupied territories, destruction of cultural heritage. Their meeting with czech politicians, journalists and representatives of various institutions was organised by NESEHNUTÍ as part of its assistance to Ukrainian civil society.

We continue to support our partners in Mykolaiv, which has been suffering from a lack of drinking water for several months. Disinfectants and filters are helping them to provide drinking water, especially for the most vulnerable groups such as the elderly and disabled, even in make-shift conditions.

Thanks to in-kind donations from Alza and HP Tronic, we were able to send several hundred thousand worth of equipment to partner organizations in Ukraine. For example, computers, phones, power banks or solar panels were sent to various places in Ukraine. The donations will help Ukrainian organizations replace equipment lost while fleeing the Russian invasion or during the ongoing shelling. They can then continue their work, whether it is providing psychological assistance, monitoring war crimes or bringing news.

Mykolaiv has been without drinking water for several weeks now, and through our fundraising we support the purchase of water filters and disinfection so our collaborator Boris can provide drinking water for the most vulnerable groups of the population, such as the elderly or people with physical disabilities, who are unable to get drinking water from the cisterns themselves.
Boris illustrated the quality of the water currently flowing from the tap with the attached photo. (on the left, tomato plant watered from the tap, on the right tomato plant watered by water collected during rain)
We provide drinking water for the citizens of Mykolaiv thanks to your donations. Thank you.

  • Introducing another organization helping rape survivors in Ukraine
The organization Славянское сердце (Slavic Heart) was founded in 2014 in Slavyansk and has focused on working with survivors of war crimes, most often women with experience of sexual violence. 

In their work, they see it as crucial to first provide physical safety in order to then provide psychological support. Therefore, they provide shelters for survivors, medical and basic material assistance, and then psychotherapeutic care. They work on the ground, in areas bordering the war front or in areas liberated from Russian troops.

The help for Slavic Heart is all the more relevant because recently their office was hit by a bombing, fortunately without casualties, but the organization lost all its equipment and part of its facilities.

  • Introducing the third organization helping rape survivors in Ukraine
Divchata's primary focus in a normal situation is psychological assistance to women/girls who have been survivors of sexual violence. However, they also work with families whose member has experienced sexual violence. Since the beginning of the war, they have also had several male persons "in their care". They also focus a lot on therapy with children and teenagers with experiences of sexual violence. 

They concentrate on longer-term psychotherapy and help survivors with transportation to safer parts of Ukraine. In addition to direct support for survivors, they also focus on working with gynaecologists and police officers - the aim is both to influence the way they deal with survivors (preventing secondary victimisation) and to give them info about psychological support options.

  • Water for Mykolajiv! South of Ukraine is thirsty!
 A few days ago, we delivered 150 packs of drinking water purifier to Mykolayiv for testing. Combined with local mechanical filters, it will make it possible to convert water from almost any source into drinking water even in improvised conditions.

 Since the Russian army bombed the local water supply, Mykolayiv is one of the places where drinking water is very difficult to obtain.

 Our collaborator Boris, together with local organizations, provides access to drinking water, especially for the elderly and people with disabilities or health limitations. They use filters and disinfection to help them purify the water, which is full of heavy metals and other harmful substances.

 For just CZK 10,000, locals can buy 100 filters. That's 10,000 litres of clean water.

 Even a hundred crowns can mean clean water for one person for several days.

  • Introducing the first of the organizations helping rape survivors in Ukraine
For the second month, "Право на здоров'я" (HealthRight International) в Україні has been running a centre in Uzhhorod to help survivors of various types of war crimes, including sexual crimes.

The funding from NESHNUTI is directed specifically to provide assistance to survivors of rape. They will not only receive help from psychologists in the form of individual and group therapy, but also medical care and examinations, such as tests for sexually transmitted diseases or their treatment.

  • Alarming reports of the numbers of rape survivors coming from liberated areas of Ukraine are prompting us to expand our assistance, which has so far been directed primarily at helping engaged civil society.
  • We have*established cooperation with four Ukrainian organisations that we support to provide survivors with the medical and psychological care they need.
  • We will introduce you in the coming days to the organisations working with us and how they are working on this sensitive and complex issue.
  • We thank Vít Samek, the Liberální institut and their humanitarian "Operation Kyseláč" for the financial support that made it possible to start this assistance. We also thank Voxpot for their financial support.

In cooperation with the Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre we call for help to the Crimean Tatars

On the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Crimean Tatar Nation, 78 years after the forced mass removal of the Crimean Tatars from their homes, we have published a video together with the Spejbl and Hurvnínka Theatre, which not only commemorates this tragic event, but also draws attention to the fact that Crimean Tatars and Crimean Tatar women have to leave their homes again today due to Russian aggression.
For months, we at NESEHNUTÍ have been helping to evacuate women, children and the elderly from places where it is currently impossible to live because of the horrors of war and atrocities committed by the Russian army. Together with Spejbl and Hurvínek, we urge you to join us in helping, and we also send our thanks to everyone who is helping with us.
We are very grateful to the Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre for their pleasant cooperation.

We support independent journalists
In Lviv we provided housing and necessary equipment for journalist Larisa Kalik, who is corespondent of Graty and also prestigious media outlet The Guardian. Here you can find some articles, which were written thanks to all mentioned support:

We send medicines and protective material to Flora in Kropyvnycky
Our partners from the environmental organisation Flora remain in Ukraine and continue to provide support to civilians and territorial defence in the Kirovohrad region. So far we have sent 3 shipments containing medicines, hemostats and tourniquets, as well as bulletproof vests or helmets to help them.

We are preparing new project to support survivors of sexual violence
In light of the disturbing situation in the liberated areas of Ukraine, where reports of rape by Russian occupation forces are coming from, we are working with several Ukrainian organizations to support follow-up care for Ukrainian women and other groups of citizens, who have been survivors of sexual violence. This includes especially medical and psychological assistance.

We financially and materially support the independent media outlet Graty
In cooperation with other organisations, we have provided financial and material support to the independent media outlet Graty, which provides news from the areas affected by the great earthquake, in the form of Starlink terminals for stable internet connection, satellite phones, bulletproof vests and first aid kits for field work.

Starlink for human rights organisations and independent journalists
In cooperation with other organisations, we have been able to provide Starlink terminals for several other journalism and human rights organisations. Thanks to them, they can stay connected to the internet even if the regular networks are interrupted.

We financially support the establishment of facilities for human rights organisations in Lviv
As a result of the russian invasion, some human rights organisations had to leave their original locations. Nevertheless, they want to continue their activities and help Ukraine. Our collaborator organizes accommodation, offices and necessary equipment for them with financial support from NESEHNUTÍ in Lviv. Currently we support several organizations, e.g. Human rights house Crimea or Centre for civic education Almenda.

We managed to successfully send three shipments of medicines and other medical supplies to the besieged and severely tested town of Mykolaiv. In view of the current critical situation with the shortage of drinking water, we are now preparing a shipment of purification tablets to provide drinkable water.

Third evacuation of Crimean Tatars from Lviv. Thanks to all donors for helping with us.

Documentary movie from our first evacuation of Crimean Tatars.

Second evacuation of Crimean Tatars from Lviv. We thank to all donors for support and allowing us to help.

The whole world is upside down, so even International Women's Day is different for us this time.
Right now, our colleagues are helping to transport 48 women and children from Crimean Tatars ethnic, who are particularly endangered by russian regime.
Some of them are not fleeing for the first time. There are women, who previously had to flee from the russian regime after the occupation of Crimea or Donbas.
Symbolically, on the International Women's Day we will provide them with a safe haven from russian aggression against Ukraine.

The shipment to Kirovohrad area arrived safely. Our friends are thanking to everyone, who helped to make it happen.

Today we have sent a shipment of medical and protective equipment to partner organization in Kirovohrad area. Thank you all, who helped us with their donations.

Unfortunately, the russian lists of "inconvenient" civic activists are not just a hoax. We received confirmation, that photos and personal details of ukrainian journalists and activists are circulating on russian social networks and particular groups with gallows in their logos, with calls for their liquidation. 😟

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Slava Ukrajině!

Petr Petřík
CZK 1,000

Držím palce ve Vaší aktivitě!

Zdeněk Pouba
CZK 1,000

Ať válka skončí a ať Ukrajina zas bude prosperující země.

Jesse Ultzen
CZK 500



Valka je cerna dira na penize. Kez to prinese i neco pozitivniho do budoucna!

Kateřina Pita Mendes
CZK 1,000

Díky za to co děláte.


Myslim na vas a doufam, ze se vam podari pomoci co nejvice lidem… a snad i zviratum.


Díky. <3

Marie Píšťková
CZK 1,000

Díky za to, co děláte! Přeji hodně sil!

Anna Segečová
CZK 500

Diky, za praci, kterou delate!

Pavel Malíř Chmelař
CZK 20,000