Update 8 May 2024
The Ukrainian human rights defender Tetiana Zhukova from the organization ZMINA visited Prague. We organized a series of meetings with female candidates for the European Parliament. She informed them about human rights violations in the occupied territories of Ukraine and how they can help address the situation if they get into the European Parliament. Tetiana also gave several media interviews (e.g. interview with iRozhlas) and met with Deputy Foreign Minister Jan Marian.
Update 6. 6. 2023
On Tuesday, 6 June, the giant Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine was breached as a result of the Russian invasion. Water from the dam swept away houses, flooded dozens of towns and villages, and people had to evacuate. It is a humanitarian and environmental disaster.
We immediately sent funds to our partner organisation operating in the area to purchase two boat trailers, which are essential for the work of the rescue forces.
Your donations will support the purchase of other essential equipment such as boats, pumps and other equipment for rescue workers. If you can, please contribute to further aid in the south of Ukraine.
Update 16. 3. 2023
Winter-long attacks on civilian infrastructure, power, heat and communications outages continue to exacerbate the impact of the war on civilians and civil society representatives*. We continue to assist Ukrainian organizations and individuals with financial and material support - e.g. generators and large capacity batteries for blackouts, Starlink satellites for independent journalists, medical supplies, etc.
Update 20. 9. 2022
Thanks to donations, we continue to support human rights activists, independent journalists and collectives that monitor war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.
Donations also support ukrainian organizations providing assistance to survivors of sexual violence and other war traumas.
In Mykolaiv, which is still without a stable drinking water supply, we help with our partners to provide drinking water for the most vulnerable groups such as senior citizens and people with disabilities.
Update 8. 6. 2022
Shocking reports of sexual violence committed by Russian soldiers in the occupied areas of Ukraine are prompting us to extend our existing support for Ukraine's civil society to help all survivors of rape.
We have established cooperation with three Ukrainian organisations, to which we provide financial and other support, to ensure that rape survivors receive the care they need, not only in the form of medical treatment, but also help from psychologists or therapists.
We have been operating in Ukraine since 2014 and during that time we have managed to establish partnerships with many local organizations, to which we have so far provided support in building a conscious civil society.
We help independent journalists report political repressions and human rights abuses. We support investigative media that bring corruption to light and expose power interests. We work with human rights defenders to monitor human rights abuses. Also, our partners are local associations of active citizens, dealing with environmental protection, assistance to victims of domestic violence, transparency of public procurement or caring for orphans.
The invasion of Russian troops puts all these great people in double danger.
Experience from the Russian annexation of Crimea shows that immediately after the entry of Russian troops, there was a severe decimation of active civil society. Journalists, activists, human rights defenders and others have been persecuted, bullied, imprisoned, tortured, abducted and, in some cases, killed.
The same is currently happening on an even larger scale in other territories of Ukraine, occupied by the Russian army.
That is why we want to provide assistance and support to these brave people, whether they decide to stay in place and continue their activities despite the risks, or if they are forced to leave Ukraine in order to preserve their own lives or the safety of their families.
Help with us. Thank you.
Valka je cerna dira na penize. Kez to prinese i neco pozitivniho do budoucna!
Díky za to co děláte.
Myslim na vas a doufam, ze se vam podari pomoci co nejvice lidem… a snad i zviratum.
Díky. <3
Díky za to, co děláte! Přeji hodně sil!
Diky, za praci, kterou delate!
Sláva Ukrajině! Hrdinům sláva!
All the powers to all who are trying to stop the insanity.