Jilemnický lidskoprávní spolek

Human Rights Regional and Community Development

MANY WORLDS in Jilemnice

MANY WORLDS in Jilemnice has been bringing human rights issues to small towns, a region where they are naturally not so successful, for 10 years. A platform for various activities aimed at promoting human rights, environment and community life not only in Jilemnice...

we started on 2021-09-21

supported by

8 people
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secured by Darujme.cz
MANY WORLDS in Jilemnice started in 2014 as an independent human rights film festival. Films from the webside Promitejity were projected there. All voluntary admission was donated to charity, for example for the Moria refugee camp or to support Magdal Charity Prague, which helps, among other things, victims of domestic violence.

Participants of the Human Rights School PŘEHRŠEL

Gradually, we added other activities to the festival and over the years the small collective became a platform for volunteerism defending human rights ideas beyond the borders of Jilemnice. However, the region of the small town below the Giant Mountains is still close to us, which is why we concentrate our human rights actions here. For our activities we were awarded the Gratias Tibi award in 2021.

"The longevity, the wide range of activities and focus, the promotion of volunteerism, the strengthening of community life, the non-avoidance of sensitive issues, the emphasis on human rights, the local activities within the region/city, the response to the coronavirus pandemic - helping others, and the many, many other activities that this association does in its city moved it to the final selection of the jury." 
- The rationale behind Gratias Tibi 2021's win in the environmental category

Every year we improve the festival and add more and more activities.
  • Two years of Human Rights School OVERHEARD
  • Annual Human Rights Festival
  • Events to support minorities in the region (e.g. International Roma Day in Vrchlabí, debate on How do people from Ukraine live in Jilemnice?...)
  • Collections (e.g. winter clothes for refugee camps, or Bot boxes...)
  • Functioning book booth in Jilemnice
  • Workshops for the general public
  • Screening of human rights documentaries in retirement homes
  • Human rights podcast
  • Summer environmental workcamps for foreign guests in Jilemnice
  • We restored* a wetland behind the town (together with other citizens of Jilemnice) to maintain water in the landscape

Members of international workcamp in Jilemnice (2020)

During the coronavirus pandemic, we had to abandon the traditional concept of the festival and quickly adapt to the new conditions. That's why, in cooperation with our town Jilemnice, we started delivering subsidized lunches for seniors to their homes. Instead of the festival, we broadcasted interviews with interesting personalities every week (doctor Petr Smejkal, journalist Markéta Boubínová, slam poetry artist Anatol Svahilec, Viktorie Varvařovská from To po tom project...).

Our short videodocument about female rights in Czechia (en titles)

We've got a lot planned. Will you help us defend human rights outside the big cities?
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Ať se vám vaše činnost daří, držím vám palce!

Marek Janovský
CZK 2,000