Loono, z.s.

Giving Information Health

Let's save lives by prevention

Become a part of Loono community, which consists of a team of doctors, medics and other professionals. Together we teach the public how to live longer, healthier and better lives. Everything started with the #boobsandballs campaign in 2014. Now we are focusing on prevention of all civilization diseases like dementia, diabetes or cardiovascular disease and more. The thing is, we can prevent these diseases and we teach how. Join us and fight with us for a healthy future.

Save live, support Loono

Join us and show that you care about health too. Thank you!
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Prevention won't wait, become a donor now! 

If you don't know which doctor you should go to or you are just scared sometimes, don't worry, up to 75 % of Czechs aren't attending prevention check-ups. There are thousands of reasons why. Let's change it. 

  • Thanks to you we'll increase awareness of prevention including vaccinations and healthy lifestyle all over the Czech Republic. In this case you, your family, friends and your loved ones will know how to take care of your own health and to which doctors for regular check-ups. 
  • You'll allow us to create content for our web, blog, podcast and also our social media. On these platforms you'll find only scientifically verified information which will help you and your loved ones. 
  • You'll support the development of features in our mobile app Preventivka so you can have your health in control. 

Why is prevention important? 

  • only 8 % of total health spending is on prevention
  • less than 40 % of Czechs attend prevention check-ups
  • five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 80 % with early diagnosis  
Total health spending on prevention is a little bit higher than in years before the pandemic but it's still not enough! Because of neglected prevention the mortality rate of preventable diseases is higher by ¼ in the Czech republic than the EU average. If we invest in prevention, in the long term the Czech republic will save money from the state budget. It will also reduce the financial burden on the pension system in the future. Become a donor, invest in prevention and make a better future for you and next generations. We can change it together! 

Prevention can really save your life and lives of your loved ones. 

How are we fighting against civilization diseases in the Czech republic? 

  • we educate 18 000+ Czechs per year through workshops at schools, companies, festivals and public events
  • we reach 5 million people per year through websites, social media, blog, podcasts and media 
  • 60+ lives saved through our free mobile app Preventivka 
We have already won seven international awards for our work, including the McNulty Prize and the EU Health Award. We operate under the auspices of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University andhave long been cooperating with leading Czech doctors, scientists and well-known personalities. 

www.loono.cz/en | #boobsandballs | #yourheartforlife | #allgooddownthere | #feelinggood | Preventivka 
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Je skvělý, jak reagujete na situaci a vytváříte přehledné materiály, díky kterým vím jak se řídit. V prostoru je totiž spousta informací, které se často bohužel bijou (např. jak dlouho virus přežije na materiálech – z důvěryhodných zdrojů jsem se dozvěděl různé odpovědi – od 2 hodin do týdnů)... o to je užitečnější mít všechno takhle pěkně sepsaný. :)

Dřív jsem si ani neuvědomil, že můžu takhle Loono podpořit, hned to dělám.

Lukáš Obdržálek
CZK 200

Děkujeme ❤

Jana Gambová

Držím palce!

Tereza Jandová

the balls are in your court now

Lukas Turza

Thank you so much for the good work you do and for speaking to the University of St Thomas Health Care MBA Students!

Joe White
CZK 7,500

Distinguished Gentlemen & Ladies Ride!

Filip s rodinou

Rád přispívám na dobrou věc.

Petr Bísek
CZK 500

Držím vám palce, vaše práce stojí za to (y) :-)

Jana Vrbacká
CZK 1,000

Dobré věci se dějí a proč bych měl stát opodál 😜🍀🕉️💓🙏

Vladimír William Friedrich
CZK 100

Vážíme si Vaší práce. Jen tak dál. Děkujeme.

Zdeněk Jakoubek
CZK 10,000