Loono, z.s.

Giving Information Health

Support Loono & #boobsandballs

We are Loono, a team of young doctors, medics and other professionals and supporters. Together we teach the public about the prevention of serious diseases. We started the #boobsandballs campaign, which flew around the Czech Republic. Since then, however, we have also been dedicated to a healthy heart and mental and reproductive health. Everything we convey is scientifically verified and translated into understandable, positive language. We want you to enjoy prevention and health care.

Save live, support Loono

Even if we save just one human life together, it makes sense. Be part of it too. Thank you!
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Support Loono & #boobsandballs

We have been teaching the public about preventing serious diseases for the ninth year. We started the #boobsandballs campaign, which flew around the Czech Republic. But we are far from finished there. Support us too!

Prevention saves lives
We are proud that thanks to our activities, more than 90 people have already detected cancer at an early stage. That's what drives us forward.

What happens when you become a donor?

With your support, even more, people will know how to care for their bodies properly and thus prevent serious diseases. This will allow them to spend more time with their loved ones, and that's what matters.

Specifically, we will then:
  • create other prevention campaigns
  • organize workshops in schools, companies and community centres
  • develop the mobile application Preventiveka
  • participate in public discussion and the form of preventive care in the Czech Republic
  • answer your questions in the preventive consultation on the website and in the application
Therefore, follow us on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok), the web or in the media or download our mobile application Preventivka.

What we have already achieved in the prevention

Loono has educated more than 150,000 people in workshops in nine years and reached annually more than 5,000,000 online. Thanks to the Preventivka application, 8,000 people ordered a previously neglected preventive check-up and more than 1,000 findings were revealed.

We have long-term cooperation with leading Czech doctors, scientists and celebrities. Our supporters include, among others, the Ministry of Health. In 2021, we received an award from the European Commission for the #boobsandballs campaign.

www.loono.cz/en | #boobsandballs | #yourheartforlife | #allgooddownthere | #feelinggood |
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Všechno nejlepší k 10. narozeninám. ;) VP

Vojtěch Pres

Aplikace pro každého.

Marcel Korejs
CZK 120

přeji hodně zdraví všem

Martina Zárubová
CZK 100

Studenti Gymnázia v Rokycanech darují tento peněžní dar vybraný formou bake salu ve škole. Tímto vám chceme poděkovat za workshopy 5.4.2023.

Karolína Šmolíková
CZK 4,499

I díky vám jsem nezanedbávala prevenci a odhalili jsme nález včas. Děkuji!


Díky za bezvadnou spolupráci s firmou Parker Chomutov. Tesime se zase brzy na vas!

Eva Jindřichová

Věřím v prevenci :)


LOONO je moje velmi oblíbená organizace, proto jsem rád, když ji mohu podpořit svým příspěvkem.

Matěj Kračmer

Děkuji za to, co děláte.

CZK 1,000

Přeji hodně úspěchů!

Marcela Šťávová
CZK 1,000