Zlatá rybka, z.ú.

Children, Youth and Family Hospice and Paliative Care

Everybody has a wish!

The Golden Fish fulfills wishes for children whose lives are threatened or limited by serious illness. Its goal is to grant the wish of every such child from 5 to 18 years of age. To do this, she needs the support of those who believe in miracles and want to be part of great stories of giving. Because everyone has a wish.

How to suppost Golden fish

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To grant one, ten or a hundred wishes is to enter for a moment into the story of little Dreamers and their families. To give them a chance to breathe after a difficult treatment, to forget the stress of long stays in hospital and to look forward to the joy we share, to experience it and, in the end, to keep it as a warm memory.
 The Golden Fish accompanies the Dreamers in fulfilling their wishes all over the Czech Republic. It cooperates with doctors, specialists and exchanges its experience with organizations abroad.

Are you curious what children wish for? Children's imagination knows no bounds...
...becoming a princess for a day, going to see the Northern Lights, meeting their sports idol or having an electronic gadget for school and communicating with distant friends. The Golden Fish calls its clients the Dreamers and helps them to take the time to figure out what their deepest desires really are. Indeed, its fulfillment brings great joy, but above all, it is an important psychological support in the treatment process. 
Part of our job is to carefully protect the privacy of our Dreamers. We don't condition wish fulfillment on sharing their stories. We only share them if they specifically request it. Everything they experience during fulfilling their dream remains confidential. In this way, we help create a safe environment for their treatment.

By supporting the Golden Fish, you are participating in a unique project that creates space for a sense of fulfillment, joy on both sides, and gratitude for a dream come true.


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Moc díky za to, co děláte. Umožnit, aby bylo mezi nemocnými dětmi víc radosti na světě, je krásné poslání.

Marie Cvetlerová

Dobrý den,
na základě našeho blízkého vztahu s ambasadorem Zlaté rybky s paní Doc.MUDr. Evou Kláskovou,Ph.D. se rádi připojujeme a zasíláme dar. Pokud je to možné, rádi bychom dostali zpětnou vazbu ke konkrétnímu poskytnutému daru.
Děkujeme, s pozdravem

Lenka, Bedřich Marečkovi
CZK 50,000

Je to moc krásný projekt a jsem šťastná, že něco takového existuje. Přeji všem dětem ať si svoje přání mohou splnit.

Monika Růžičková
CZK 500

Moc si vážím toho co děláte.

Zbyněk Kopa
CZK 500

Ďakujeme všetkým čo pridali ruku k dielu na prvom ročníku púte v Holedeči.

Michal Pioneer Beer
CZK 6,000

Dobrý den, je mi potěšením, že můžu svým jménem darovat peníze, které se vybraly díky skvělým pořadatelům, se srdci na správném místě, na 1. ročníku pouti v obci Holedeč. Snad pomůžou ke splnění dalšího dětského přání. Díky za to co děláte. ❤️

Lucie - DortinG
CZK 7,000

Pomáháme hudbou, společně 😊🎸🎤.

CZK 30,000

Aspoň štipkou k splneným snom

Simona Blažková
CZK 1,000