Nadační fond Františka Romana Dragouna

Culture, Art and History Giving Information

Support the artwork and legacy of František Roman Dragoun

The F. R. Dragoun Foundation Fund actively preserves the cultural and artistic heritage of the academic painter and native of Písek, František Roman Dragoun. We aim to give everyone a glimpse into the soul of this outstanding artist. Thanks to the foundation and running of the Dragoun Gallery in Písek we are succeeding in this. Our non-profit operation requires considerable financial resources and your donation will pay for operating costs, the restoration of paintings, the organisation of cultural events for the wider public and more. Thank you for contributing to this charitable activity.


Let us come together to support the preservation of the artistic and human heritage of František Roman Dragoun. Thank you. 🧡

supported by

8 people
Donate in :
secured by

  • Become a protector of the artistic and human heritage of the academic painter František Roman Dragoun. 
  • Support our outreach activities that contribute to education through art and to the creation of conditions for a rich cultural and social life.
  • Thank you for being so supportive of important cultural heritage.

If you would like to know more you can contact us at
  • The Dragoun Gallery (Galerie Dragoun), Jungmanova 186, Pisek, Czech Republic
  • Telephone number:  +420 732 402 965 
  • Email:
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Řízené degustazzio v GD ~ vinařství Turek & Šiška (pá☆20•12).

brig.gen. RB•CZ

Je úžasné, že v Písku je něco takového, jako Galerie Dragoun. Umění a kulturu obecně je potřeba podporovat, protože toho konzumního života kolem nás je někdy až příliš ...
Krásné a klidné Vánoce přejí Galerii Dragoun
Jana a Jaroslav Javorčekovi

Jaroslav Javorček
CZK 1,000