Centrum Seňorina, z.s.


Bed exit monitoring

Our clients have been used to being independent and self-sufficient all their lives, so when Alzheimer's disease or dementia enters their lives, it's a big change for them, and not an easy one to learn to live with. As the disease progresses, people increasingly misjudge what is enough and what is not.

we started on 2023-09-18
raised 13 % out of  €729
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
That's why we often meet clients at the Centre who need help with walking or need support because they lost balance and don't want or forget to ask for it. Most often this happens at night when they need to go to the toilet and get up on their own without ringing for help.
As a prevention of these situations, which unnecessary lead to a client falling, we would very much need this monitoring pad to alert us early that a client is getting out of bed.
Please help us prevent these situations from happening to the most vulnerable clients. 💛

Thank you for our team and clients.

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