Ganga Expedition - 121 km for 121 children
Bangladesh. The Ganges. Calm water, no wilderness. But this will be an exceptional expedition! We are in for an adventure with a clear goal. We're not going for a medal, but to support the children of Chalantika, a slum in the capital Dhaka. Will you join us?
None of us would want to live in a slum. People here live in huts made out of tin and bamboo, they don't have drinking water and electricity is a luxury. Several families share a kitchen together, as well as a toilet. The children have no medical care or decent food, and they grow up without an education.
The biggest dream of slum children is to study. Education gives them a real chance to get out of poverty and deprivation. That's why ADRA runs an education centre in the slum, for 121 children, while educating their parents as well.
I'm going there to help. I'm going to do my bit. Can you help too?
Follow us on Ganga Expedition website.
Follow us on Ganga Expedition website.
PS: We Czechs know how to support each other. If you are interested in Expedition Ganga 2022, please join us, and together let's support 121 children from Bangladesh's Chalantika slum on their way to a better life. Thanks a lot!
The Chalantika Education Centre in Dhaka, Bangladesh, provides education to slum children through tutoring. This is essential to complete their primary schools. Why? Classes in government schools are overcrowded and teachers cannot devote enough time to the students. Children have to study the subjects outside of school. But given the majority of parents' illiteracy, they need someone to help them catch up. And that's what teachers Synthia and Rina at the Chalantika centre are doing.
Thanks to you, we also provide for children from poor families:
- education and tutoring
- nutritious lunches every school day
- regular medical care
- education in the field of health, hygiene and ethics
- leisure and developmental activities
And what will your donations provide for one school child?
- 10 EUR - nutritious meals for a month
- 20 EUR - health check-ups and medicines for a year
- 30 EUR - school supplies and teacher for half a year
- 40 EUR - running the centre for half a year
- 100 EUR - comprehensive care (food, health, school, running the centre for half a year)
We believe that it is important to emphasize the importance of education within the community. The parents of children can participate literacy classes and workshops on social and health issues. The centre also supports older children whose parents can´t fund the secondary school admission and exam fees.
Join us and give the Bangladeshi children chance for a better future. Even a small donation can make a difference. Thank you for your support!
Give the gift of education, give the gift of a better future!
Join us and give the Bangladeshi children chance for a better future. Even a small donation can make a difference. Thank you for your support!
Give the gift of education, give the gift of a better future!
Doufám, že jsem to ještě stihl :-)
Pavle, stihl! :-) Děkujeme za Vaši podporu a přejeme všechno nejlepší v novém roce.
Zdeňka Zlatušková
Projektová koordinátorka BanglaKids a Čalantika
Ať se to podaří
Skvělá práce!
Přeji hodně štěstí a sil.Prosím fotografii z expedice s podpisem.
Zdeňka Řežná
Děkujeme vám, že děláte svět lepší a přejeme dětem šťastnější život.
Měla bych zájem o knihu My děti slumu, díky.
Člověk je bohatý tím, co učinil pro druhé.
Vávro super akce a držím palce ke splnění cíle
PS: a zajdi k Ilonce...
ahooj bangladešani