Petra Vymětalíková: campaign for project Open Society Support

70 for ARPOK

we started on 2019-06-01
raised 159 % out of  €1,611

supported by

61 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Yearly hike. 70 km in one go. Third time for non-profit organization ARPOK. Let´s do it together - either by keeping your fingers crossed during the hike itself, joining the hike personally or donating. 
I like hiking and enjoy being in nature. In the past I participated in several long hikes. This year I hesitated....I hesitated a lot. Am I able to accomplish it this year?   Isn´t 70km beyond my current boundary? I know, I managed 100 km but that was 2 years ago! This year I hiked very little so far and also my physical fitness is poorer. At the same time, I strongly believe that ARPOK´s activities (support of education) is crucial investment into development of our society. So I go for it again. 

Third time for ARPOK. Last 2 years we collected together: 1st year 17 269 CZK (cca 675 Eur), 2nd year 20 200 CZK (cca 790 Eur), altogether 37 469 CZK (cca 1465 Eur). This year´s goal is double of last year donated amount, which means 40 400 CZK (1580 Eur):-).

If we reach this amount, I will organize for all my supporters picnic in Prague on Tuesday 2.7.2019  with delicacies from my cuisine.  

I would like to connect the personal challenge with my favorite non-profit organization in Olomouc, the Czech Republic. ARPOK has been very close to my heart, I worked there during my studies 9 years ago and it was my first grown up job. I trust them and I know that the work they do in the field of global education with teachers, students and also public is of huge value.
Your contribution will go to supporting activities of ARPOK - e.g. seminar for teachers how to teach about global issues such as migration, climate change etc., and how to communicate with students about these topics, educational workshops for students or  public events about current social challenges.

Thank you very much for your support!


P.S. Wet, frozen and satisfied inside - this is what the finish looked like last year (intro picture).

P.S. You are mostly welcome to join me during the hike, for that you can follow Facebook event:  Sedmdesátka pro ARPOK na Facebooku

ARPOK, o.p.s.
We bring current global issues to schools (i.e. migration, poverty, climate change, etc.). Our aim is to create an active, respectful and open society in which people understand complexity and interconection of today s world. We organize seminars for teachers, educational programs for pupils and public debates.
Since 2004 we have been bringing current global issues to schools (i. e. migration, poverty, climate changes, etc.). Our aim is to create an active, respectful and open society in which people understand complexity and interconnection of today´s world. It´s a run for a long trail. Nevertheless, we are convinced it´s worth it. We want to live in society where we feel good, where people are respectful and do not hesitate to help each other.

We want to reach that via education. We organize seminars for teachers about new trends in teaching sensitive topics. We teach them to communicate these topics with children and we help them to find relevant and objective information. We discuss global sensitive issues with pupils during our educational programs and thematic days. We also bring current global issues to wide public. We regurarly run public debates with well-known journalists and people who experienced humanitarian missions in abroad. We emphasize critical thinking and open-minded approach

Up to now we have organized over 1200 educational programs for more than 27 000 pupils and trained 2300 teachers during 100 seminars. For the public we have run more then 120 debates about current global issues with 6000 visitors.

Help us to reach our aims, it´s worth it!

Thank you!

For more details see our websites:

Ať to šlape i ARPOKu!

Alena H.
CZK 300

Péťo, jsi pašák!

CZK 150

Thank you ARPOK for the tremendous effort on raising awareness of what is happening in different developing regions.
Dear Petra, držim palce, but I know you'll be fine, you are just great!
A big hug and best wishes for you, from Honduras :-)

Monica Aguilar

Držím palce :)

Dana Robovská
CZK 500

Péti, moc držím palce a těším se na tvoje zážitky! Ať to šlape!

Pavla Jenková
CZK 222

Dej a bude ti dáno, přej a bude ti přáno.

Michal Frič

Drzime palce - at se pochod vydari! Z DC zdravi Ivca, Jörg & Isabelle

CZK 1,000

Keep up the good work. Love from across the pond in Maine, USA.

Nina and Jonathan Gormley

Užij si výlet, Petro!

Ondřej Šindelář

Držím palce :)

All donations support organization:
ARPOK, o.p.s., projekt: Open Society Support