Ruce pro život z. s.

Hospice and Paliative Care People with disabilities

Dream Ambulance

We make dreams come true for seriously ill and dying people. We make dreams come true for our clients for free. We rely on an individual approach to all clients, from children to seniors. Our goal is to bring joy and pleasure. Our journeys lead to where our clients' hearts are drawn and where they no longer have the opportunity or strength to get to on their own.

we started on 2024-02-25

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186 people
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Ruce pro život is a non-profit organization made up of a group of passionate paramedics who have come together to fulfill the dreams and wishes of seriously ill and dying people. Our mission is to improve the quality of life of those who are fighting serious illnesses and bring them at least a moment of joy, the fulfillment of their last dreams and wishes.

The main goal of our organization is the collection of funds for the realization of patients' last wishes. We believe that even in the most difficult moments, we can bring relief and joy to those who are going through a painful process of treatment or are at the end of their life's journey.

Our activity focuses on an individual approach to patients and their families. We try to understand their wishes and needs and create unique experiences for them. The funds we collect are used to organize unforgettable events, fulfill special wishes and support family well-being in difficult times.

Your support and contributions are crucial for us to achieve our goals. Every donation helps create moments of happiness and well-being for those going through difficult times. Together we can bring relief and support where it is most needed.

The association Ruce pro život believes in the dignity of every life and with love and care we try to contribute to a dignified and respected end of life for everyone who is dealing with a serious illness. Your solidarity helps us fulfill last wishes and bring comfort to those who need it most.
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When the heart hurts...

…when the heart of a seasoned paramedic hurts and the paper sheds tears instead of words.

Misha, Mouse, boy fighter. It hasn't even been a year since he lost his dad, and he already has so many steps behind him in heaven. But he still talks about wanting to go to the zoo with his brother and mother.
And so here we are, planning a trip on a dream trip, all after detailed planning and consultations with a doctor.
Míša is excited, even though there is no smile to be seen due to the swelling in his face and difficulty breathing. Thanks to the incredible willingness of the management and employees of ZOO Brno, he saw his favorite animals from places where visitors can't get to, and to our great joy, after several days of not wanting to eat, he ate his lunch and managed to eat his mother too.
But the boy's beautiful eyes are already looking elsewhere, he is ready to go to his father...

We would like to thank the Krtek Children's Oncology Foundation for contacting us, and specifically with Mgr. Kateřina Nazarej for her wonderful and kind cooperation. Together with Kateřina, the pediatric oncology clinic of the Children's Hospital, the Brno University Hospital and the Brno Zoo, we managed to make Míša's last little dream come true. We are extremely grateful for how many wonderful human souls we have the opportunity to meet thanks to our ambulance.

Rodinný piknik

Každý máme nějakou hýčkanou vzpomínku z dětství. Třeba na pobyt s tátou v přírodě, na stéblo letní trávy, kterým nás šimrala maminka, a táta vyprávěl…
Pan Pavel má skvělé děti… Chtěly s tatínkem zavzpomínat na tu krásnou atmosféru na jeho oblíbeném místě, tam, kde trávil volný čas.
Snadno vypadající sen, ale i zde je třeba plánovat. Podařilo se to dokonce až na několikátý pokus… ale dceřino občerstvení u jezera Kateřina si všichni užili.  
Co na tom, že na místo nevedla žádná přímá dlážděná cesta! S nosítky se nám podařilo dorazit do cíle a až k samotné vodě.
A tak byla třpytivá hladina svědkem rodinné radosti. A pak přišla únava a my pana Pavla odvezli zpět do nemocnice…
Smutná zpráva přišla o pár dní později. Pan Pavel zesnul. Ale krásné chvilky pospolitosti a sdílení s rodinou jsou hojivým balzámem. Šťastnou cestu podbarvenou tóny country hudby, jsme šťastní, že jsme tu mohli být pro vás!

Nikolka - dog story

All of you are certainly looking forward to the continuation of our trip to the Havířov Shelter, even though it was clear to you that more dreams were fulfilled that day.
Andílek Káťa, who Mrs. Libuška ordered our ambulance to fulfill her dream, fell in love in the shelter.
She fell in love with a female who lost both her owners shortly after each other. She lived with old husbands and a sad fate forced her into a shelter. Adoption by the social worker Katka also means a new responsibility and obligation for the female Nikolka: she accompanies her owner to the Czech Red Cross Home for the Elderly in Český Těšín, which is her second home. She has become a favorite of all clients and, like Katka, spreads joy and a positive mood.
You can't help but love this activity, and we'll write down a lot of other fulfilled dreams for you in the next few days.

Dog - man's best friend

"I dream about dogs every night, all my life I have been fascinated by dogs' souls and their eyes..."
A dream made for the Ambulance of dreams come true. ...a journey for dogs from the shelter for abandoned dogs and small animals MAX Shelter Havířov. Ms. Libuška supports the shelter and wanted to see the dogs so much that an angel in human form had to appear to her and help make her dream come true. An angel named Katka, who works as a social worker in the Czech Red Cross home for the elderly in Český Těšín and gives out her positive energy, smiles and love to the elderly there. And it was Katka who approached us asking if we could make this dream come true for the client of the home... Libuška.
How happy! After all, we like animals too! And so, one morning, we loaded not only the client into our ambulance, but also bags of kibble and treats (to which Katka and her colleagues put together, and we also gladly contributed) and set off on our way to cuddle.
Contact with the clients of the MAX dog shelter helped not only Ms. Libuša, but also everyone who participated in this mission. The lively joy and energy of the dogs together with Libuška's enthusiasm really charged us up. Happy to help and the cuddle reward was royal.
But this dream come true has a beautiful sequel... So look forward to it

Are you from Prague and don't know how to spend your Sunday in a fun way, either alone or with your family?
Head to Výstaviště Holešovice, where Prague 7 is organizing a Family Day. Lots of treats and fun for all ages.
And as a bonus, you get to meet us here! We'd love to talk to you about what we're doing, planning and, in fact, about anything you can think of.

A sad veteran
Shouldn't I have done something differently?
Mr. Jiří had a long life, a miserable youth and a question that comes back almost every day... our client was totally deployed in Germany at the age of 17.
However, he managed to escape and joined the resistance group with which he participated in the liberation of his beloved Jičín.
Of the four musketeers at that time, young boys, loyal friends, he alone survived the war. And he still worries about whether he could have done something differently so that all his friends would have survived.
And so the path of our Ambulance of Dreams led to the monument to the memory of the victims of the last battles of the war. A visit to my grandmother's house in Bukvica and caressing the old memorial plaque in the former bar - a memory of my uncle, a legionnaire in the French army.
Once again, we thank Vlčí mak - the home for war veterans in the Central Military Hospital Prague for their cooperation.

Crying on the phone. A quiet female voice. And a question with an undertone of despair: "I don't know who could help me anymore..."
We gradually learn about a painful wish, a sad dream about accompanying his son on his last journey.
The granddaughter wanted to give her beloved grandmother a final farewell. Mrs. Stanislava spends her days immobile after CMP, and the distance of 250 km to the place of her son's burial is insurmountable for the family.
The journey is long and arduous, but there is no more difficult journey than saying goodbye to a child... the closeness and harmony of the whole family at the funeral brought reconciliation.

103 years old
Who among us still remembers what it meant to be born in 1921? This year of birth meant almost automatically a total deployment in the Greater German Empire... we really don't have that many witnesses of that time anymore.
That is also why we were very happy to take Mrs. Maruška, who will celebrate her 103rd birthday this year
 And what was her wish, what dream, what was to be fulfilled? What does a lady at such a blessed age wish for?
Small thing - to say goodbye to the native region
However trivial and small it may seem, even uninteresting ... but each of us has a village, a house or a region. And so we took the sore, weak lady Maria to see her native cottage and visit the neighbors.
 And even though the visit was beautiful, it was very exhausting, so Mrs. Marie was very happy to return to the wonderful and cozy Home for Seniors Pohoda in Netolice.

The power of love
Love moves mountains and cruel blows only test our strength, personal and especially the strength of a couple.
Even the wife of our client Mr. Karel was not burdened with much. And he, despite everything that life tried him, was always a support for her and her three sons. Both were brought together by a love of music and singing, which has accompanied them throughout their lives.
Mr. Karel became blind as a result of an illness decades ago. Now he has been affected by cancer, his wife Květuša is taking care of him in the terminal stage and the absolutely amazing team of the Jordán Home Hospice Jordán Home Hospice.
And even Mrs. Květuška is no longer in good health. Their love for music and good heart brought them a reward - for many years they voluntarily traveled to spread joy and sing to TEP, a social service center that opened its doors to them to live together...
And that dream or wish? Common to both spouses... one of their sons has been a client of PL Dobřany for years, at the age of 21 - after breaking up with his girlfriend - he developed a psychiatric illness. For more than 30 years, the steps of the parents regularly led to a visit to their son, and now that was no longer possible, the train journey is no longer conceivable.
The touching wish, which brought tears to our eyes as well, was "this is a wish for our son, we have to visit him so he knows we still love him"...
The lady admits that they didn't even sleep the night before the trip of our ambulance due to impatience and anticipation.
The union of families, every minute of happiness of our clients and their surroundings, this is an incredible caress and encouragement for us as well.

Our first dream come true was like a dream, a dream for all actors. Who among us can imagine that at the end of his life he will be separated from his dearest and closest person...from the love of his life.
In 1956, the town hall gave their lifelong YES. Fate, age and illness struck the couple more than half a century later. The illness took hold and the lady had to be hospitalized for a long time. Her husband ended up in another hospital and his life is coming to an end.
His dream, with which the excellent Support and Palliative Team of the University Hospital of Královská Vinohrady turned to us, "was to see, caress and kiss his Irenka one more time, hold her in his arms for the last time and tell her that she is forever my only one".
The meeting was wonderful. Even though Mrs. Irenka is already quite disorientated and sometimes "gets lost", she recognized her husband, she touched him tenderly all the time and made sure that he fit well, that he was not tired... and her loving husband praised her with tears in his eyes for longer hair, he liked her so much, he happily repeated it to her.
Such moments are drops of a miracle, the happiness that a small thing can bring is infinite, and the love we saw filled us with hope: may we find such happiness, we will not miss it, even if it only lasts a few moments.

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Děkuju za to, co děláte🫶

Pavel Škaloud
CZK 300

Děkuji za práci kterou děláte,jste andělé,kteří přináší radost v tomto světě.

Libor Macků
CZK 300

Děkuji za to, co děláte.

Lenka Jeroušková
CZK 1,000

Děkuji za to, co děláte 🤍

Martina Karešová

Ať splníte, co nejvíce přání. Děkuji.

Štěpánka Majerová
CZK 1,000

Keep going with this super initiative !

CZK 1,000

Jste úžasní.

Lenka Kárská

Díky za vaší službu

Jan Kocourek
CZK 1,000

Moc vám fandím, tak posílám něco na "krmení" pro sanitku❤️🍀Děkuji, že jste.🌺

Jitka Guthová

Děkuji za to, co děláte!

Markéta B.