České centrum fundraisingu, z.s. Education and Research Philanthropy and Volunteering I Support Development of Philanthropy in the Czech Republic! Donate Start fundraising
SVĚTOVA 1 z.s. Culture, Art and History Support the queer Zine & platform Say my name! Donate Start fundraising
Czech National Trust, o.p.s. Philanthropy and Volunteering Culture, Art and History Return of sculpture "The Winged Arrow" to the roof of the Škoda Palace in Prague Donate Start fundraising
Zachraň Annu z.s. Culture, Art and History Regional and Community Development Windows for St. Anna Chapel Donate Start fundraising
Klára pomáhá z. s. Children, Youth and Family Hospice and Paliative Care Our project ANOTHER WORLD helps the mourning children. Let's help the surviving children together. Cause it's DIFFERENT WORLD ... but it's WORLD OF ALL OF US Donate Start fundraising