Thank you for helping with us. Please find more at
Thank you for helping with us! Since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, People in Need has provided aid to more than 1 million people. We have sent 17 humanitarian trains and more than 60 trucks with food, hygiene items or mattresses and bottled water, even to the destroyed Buca, Irpin or Cherson, which were left by Russian troops. Our teams were the first to enter the area. Where we are not physically, we financially support local non-profit organizations. We are repairing family houses or schools, but also water systems. We help in the east and west of Ukraine, but also in the Czech Republic. We operate in collective centers for refugees, we teach Czech to children from Ukraine, we run a helpline for Ukrainian refugees. We therefore call on all those who are also indifferent to Ukraine's development and want to help to contribute. We will use the funds to provide aid to victims of armed conflict, people on the run, and to protect vulnerable families and individuals.
Snad to pomůže.
Nechápu proč, stále si neumím odpovědět. Doufám, že brzo vše skončí a co nejméně lidi zemře. Vždyť jsou to nevinný lidi stejně jako já, my... ❤️
Slava ukraini!
Věřím, že i malá částka od každého Čecha pomůže Ukrajincům v nouzi nejvíce dětem, kteří za zlo nemohou.
Doufam, ze to malo co delame bude mit nakonec veliky vliv pro Ukrajince. Je potreba je podporovat vsemi prostredky.
Mír Ukrajině!
Fck Putin!
Držte se!
pro Ukrajinu
Bůh žehnej Ukrajině !