APERIO – Společnost pro zdravé rodičovství, z.s.

Legislative and Legal Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Free counselling service for parents

For already 15 years, counselling service Aperio is here for parents in crisis. With professionalism and free of charge it offers legal and psychological aid to all parents who need it. Support its activities with recurring donations. We believe that good advice at the right time can save the situation of an entire family.

Help parents to give support to their children again!

Good advice at the right time can save the situation of an entire family. Thank you for helping parents with us.
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secured by Darujme.cz
Exhaustion, helplessness, sadness, misunderstanding. Parents experience all of the mentioned in difficult life situations. In such moments, it is difficult for parents to their children. Mothers and fathers need support too, as well as high quality information and to orient themselves in a difficult situation. This is provided by parenting counselling – professionally and free of charge.

Join us and support PARENTING COUNSELLING. You can donate with a one-time donation. If you opt for a smaller amount donated monthly, we will be very grateful. We can then effectively plan our work.

Being a parent is, for me, the most difficult but also the most beautiful task that I have, but even mom and dad sometimes need help, advice, to vent, reassure or just be told they are doing a good job. In such cases, our friend Aperio is here for us.”
Michaela Maurerová, actress, donor 

Experts in the areas of law and psychology help parents to get back on track. They offer advice online, as well as through phone and face-to-face sessions. During existence of our counselling service we answered over 45 000 questions raised by parents. 

450 CZK covers 1 question in on-line counselling
600 CZK allows us to answer 1 question in phone counselling
1 500 CZK ensures one face-to-face consultation. 

Thank you for helping parents with us. 

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Děkuji za poskytnutí informací a za odpovědi na moje otázky prostřednictvím webové i telefonické poradny. Jsem velmi spokojena, odpovědi pro mě byly jasné a srozumitelné a velmi mi pomohly, resp. pracovníci, kteří se mi věnovali.:-)


Již 2x jste mi pomohli. Mockrát Vám děkuji, posílám aspoň symbolickou částku.

CZK 200

Přejeme hodně úspěšných projektů ! . . . a děkujeme, že jste !

Pavel Dobiáš
CZK 1,000

Perfektní info, přesně co jsem potřebovala

Helena Procházková
CZK 150

Dekuji za vasi praci, odpoved mi pomohla. Preji, at se Aperiu dari.

CZK 500

Fantastická a záslužná práce a pomoc

Kamila Lipárová
CZK 200

Dobrý den.
My děkujeme vám, zvláště paní Kodyšová a hlavně paní Kocianové za užitečné rady k námi dotazovaným problémům.
Dobiášovi Frenštát pod Radhoštěm

Pavel Dobiáš
CZK 1,000

Dobry den, moc dekuji za radu, kterou jste mi poskytli.
S pozdravem
Jana Blatakova

Jana Blatakova
CZK 200

Děkuji Aperiu za užitečné odpovědi na otázky v našich důležitých životních situacích.
