People in Need - Člověk v tísni

Human Rights Development Aid

Main donation account

People in Need has been helping people all over the world for 30 years. We build schools, sources of water supply and health centres in Asia and Africa. We help the victims of wars and natural disasters and stand up for human rights. We organise One World, the biggest human rights documentary film festival in the world. And we provide social services and help improve education in the Czech Republic. Your donation will enable us to keep helping the people who need it the most.

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Thank you for considering a donation to People in Need. We have 30 years of experience with providing humanitarian and development aid all over the world. Your donation will be used efficiently and at minimal operational costs. We are providing our help directly in the field to bring a real aid to those in need and change lives to the better. Support People in Need's work abroad and in the Czech republic and become one of our many donors.

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děkuji za to, že pomáháte. Držím palce!

CZK 1,000


Daniel Pocar
CZK 1,000


Richard Klíma

Děkuju, že pomáháte!

Kamila Cmíralová
CZK 4,000

Hope those disadvantaged can get what they really need and live a better life.

Wing Sun Chan

Děkuji za Vaší práci.

Aleš Hyský

citim se spatne, ale kdyz pomuzu trochu, je to lepsi

Ondřej Uhlík

Thank's to People in Need's work, people who get impacted by their work have a ray of hope for a better future. I understand such a positive impact first-hand as I once was a refugee in need; therefore, I know the importance of providing people in need with support to get back on their feet. This monetary contribution is a gift I am receiving from the European teacher Education Network ETEN, which I decided to pass to People in Need as a contribution toward helping others. Thank you for your dedication and work! Yan David Vargas

Yan Vargas

Prosím, zasaďte se o to, aby svět pomohl. Nemůžu se na to dívat, jak si tu v klídku žijeme a oni jsou na to sami.
Věra 68 let

Věra Míšková
CZK 1,000

Would appreciate confirmation letter.

Jeanne Milligan