Nadační fond Naše plíce

Children, Youth and Family Health

Let's donate a breathing vest

Christmas is approaching, the time when children write their wishes and look forward to the gifts that Baby Jesus will bring. Anička also has a wish – she would like an oscillation vest under the Christmas tree to help her breathe more easily. Since the age of 3, Anička has been fighting bronchiectasis of unclear origin, which has affected both of her lungs and causes complications when coughing. Unfortunately, the insurance does not cover the cost of the vest, so it is up to us to help. Let’s give Anička this Christmas gift, which will allow her to breathe more freely and live a fuller life!

we started on 2024-11-22
raised 115 % out of  €9,937

supported by

158 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

We are delighted to announce that the fundraising campaign for Anička's oscillating vest has been successfully completed.

Thanks to your generous support and solidarity, we managed to raise the necessary funds to purchase this essential device, which will significantly improve Anička's quality of life.

The handover of the vest is planned for late January or early February, depending on the delivery date of the device. Once we have a confirmed date, we will gladly inform you and share updates about this important moment.

Anička herself came up with a wonderful idea – she wants to thank each of you personally:

Together, we can make Anička’s Christmas wish come true. Every contribution, big or small, brings her closer to a healthier and happier life.
Help us bring a smile to the face of a little girl whose only wish is to breathe.
Thank you for making a difference! ❤️ 
"Yes, these can develop in a child when they are 15, 18, or even in adulthood, but encountering bronchiectasis at such a young age is truly rare—there are only a handful, perhaps a few dozen cases in the Czech Republic. So, in Anička's case, it is exceptionally problematic," says Anička's doctor, MUDr. Václav Koucký, Ph.D., who works at the Pediatric clinic of the second faculty of medicine, Charles University, and Motol Hospital. 

About Anička

Anička is a cheerful and kind little girl who started first grade this year. Despite her young age, she faces significant health challenges. Since the age of three, she has been battling bronchiectasis, a severe condition that affects both of her lungs. Additionally, she suffers from reflux, which further complicates her condition.

Currently, Anička is using a borrowed Simeox device, which helps expand her airways. However, this device requires her to remain stationary while connected via a mask or mouthpiece, preventing her from simultaneously inhaling medications. This often delays treatment and reduces its effectiveness.

An oscillating vest is a solution that could significantly improve Anička’s quality of life.
This device would not only help her cough up mucus and breathe more easily but also allow her to engage in other activities—playing, drawing, or participating more fully in family life. It would benefit not just her physical health but also her mental well-being.

"The first year was extremely challenging because, along with Anička's illness, we also found out that our older son had cancer, so we were treating him at the oncology department," says Anička's father.  

Anička loves painting, running (though with limitations), and her greatest passion is horses, which she currently cannot visit. However, we all believe that with the help of this vest, that could one day change.

Anička has three siblings: Kubík (9), who is 28 months post-successful chemotherapy, Matýsek (6), and Amálka (4). The family is very close-knit, and their greatest joy is spending time together—on trips, playing games, or watching fairy tales.

„The moment Anička catches a cold or the flu, she ends up in the hospital, not to mention her oxygen saturation drops significantly, and she has to be put on oxygen." explains Anička's father. 

Anička’s mom works as a school cleaner, and her dad is a CNC machine programmer. Together, they do their best to create a loving and stable home for their children, but purchasing an oscillating vest is financially out of reach for them.

Like any other child, Anička deserves the best possible life, full of love, experiences, and adventures. But apart from her loving family, life hasn’t brought her much luck so far.
Let’s help Anička get this life-changing device under the Christmas tree.

What are we raising funds for and why?

The Vest Airway Clearance System is a chest oscillator that uses High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (HFCWO) technology to facilitate airway clearance. This is a costly medical device that the family cannot afford as a regular expense. While insurance covers only the most essential equipment, Anička needs much more to lead a full and fulfilling life.
"We would be very grateful if you could contribute to the oscillating vest; it would make a wonderful Christmas gift for Anička," says Anička's father.   

"The Vest® oscillation vest uses high-frequency oscillation to loosen mucus and facilitate breathing. For patients with chronic lung diseases, like Anička, it means not only relief but also the possibility of a more active life. We are honored to contribute to making breathing not a daily struggle for Anička but a natural part of her childhood," says Ondřej Kunc, sales representative of Dartin, the vest supplier.

How does the vest work? 

The Hill-Rom The Vest uses high-frequency chest wall oscillation to help loosen and remove mucus from the airways. The system consists of an inflatable vest connected to an air pulse generator via two hoses. The generator rapidly inflates and deflates the vest, creating gentle vibrations that stimulate coughing, moving mucus into the central airways where it can be coughed up or suctioned out. This process facilitates airway clearance and improves breathing for patients with chronic respiratory conditions. 

What are the benefits of using an oscillation vest in patients? 

 Long-term studies show that the use of an oscillating vest can improve both clinical and economic outcomes for patients with bronchiectasis for up to three years after starting therapy. 

  • 20% reduction in patient hospitalizations
  • 18% reduction in overall healthcare costs
  • 44% reduction in days spent in the hospital

What is bronchiectasis? 

 Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory disease that primarily affects the bronchi. The condition causes abnormal and permanent dilation of the airways, leading to inflammation and an inability to properly clear mucus.
This disease can result in the formation of "holes" in the lungs—areas where lung tissue is damaged and its function is lost.
Unfortunately, bronchiectasis is a chronic and incurable condition. Treatment includes regular physiotherapy to remove mucus, inhalation therapy, and the use of antibiotics during infections. 

" Moreover, the extent of lung involvement is also quite significant, which again does not correspond to Anička's age when we discovered it. " says Anička's doctor.  

CT scan of Anička's lungs 

"Let's at least partially make her everyday life easier," says Anička's doctor.  

About us

The The Our Lungs Foundation, established by  Y&T Luxury Property—a women-led real estate agency that covers all operational costs of the foundation—supports the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of lung diseases, including lung cancer and the aftermath of COVID-19.

Our goal is to raise the amount of 248,917 CZK for an oscillatory vest, which will provide essential treatment and rehabilitation for Anička. We deeply appreciate the support of the real estate agency Y&T Luxury Property, which has committed to contributing half of this amount.

We want to assure you that all funds exceeding the target amount for Anička will automatically be used for other campaigns organized by the Naše plíce Foundation to help more children and families in need.

We would like to emphasize that the Naše plíce Foundation does not retain even a single koruna from donors' contributions. All operating costs of the foundation are fully covered by the real estate agency Y&T Luxury Property, ensuring that your donations go directly to providing meaningful assistance.

 More information can be found in the annual report and financial statement here.

Thank you for helping to change lives. Every donation matters.❤️

Let’s give Anička the gift of full breaths today! Every contribution counts!


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Thank you to everyone who stands by Anička and her family during this challenging time! ❤️

Your support continues to fill us with gratitude and gives us the strength to keep fighting for a better future for Anička. Every donation and kind word reminds us that we are not alone – you are amazing!

We would also like to draw your attention to a newly published interview with Anička’s family. You’ll learn how they navigate the daily challenges of her illness and what your help means to them. It’s an inspiring story of courage, love, and hope.
Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we can give Anička a chance at a happier and healthier life. 🙏💛

Thank you to everyone who has already supported the fundraiser for Anička! ❤️ 

Your incredible support continues to move us deeply. Thanks to you, we can help little Anička in her challenging situation and fight for a better future for her. Every contribution makes a huge difference – thank you for being part of this journey.

We are also excited to share that an interview with Anička's doctor has been published, where he provides a detailed explanation of her condition – bronchiectasis. You’ll learn about this rare and serious illness, how it affects children’s lives, and why providing care for Anička is so crucial.

Thank you for standing with us. Together, we can achieve so much! 🙏

Listopad je celosvětově označován jako měsíc plic. Tento měsíc je věnován zvýšení povědomí o plicních onemocněních, jejich prevenci, včasné diagnostice a léčbě. Plicní zdraví je často podceňované, přestože plíce jsou životně důležitým orgánem, který nám umožňuje dýchat a dodávat kyslík do celého těla.
Listopad je tedy ideální příležitostí, jak pomoci malé Aničce, která každý den statečně bojuje s vážným plicním onemocněním. Vaše podpora může přinést úlevu a naději.
Více o prevenci a užitečné informace o plicích a dýchání najdete zde.

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Hodně štěstí Aničko

CZK 300

Aničko, přejeme ti ze srdce krásný a spokojený život...Křížovi z Dobřichovic

Andrea Křížová
CZK 2,000

Držím palečky a věřím,že se částka vybere❤️

CZK 300

Aničko, ty jsi tak milá a hodná holčička, že život nám přináší někdy takové těžkosti, které si nezasloužíme. Ale jsi šikulka, bojuj, bojuj, bojuj, přeji hodně sil tobě i tvé rodině. Paní učitelka ze školky ♥️

Kateřina Hurábová
CZK 300

Hodně štěstí Aničko

Zdeňka Horvátová
CZK 3,000

Hlavně ať to pomůže. ✅

Michael Lindner
CZK 300

Příspěvek pro Aničku

Dagmar Zieglerová
CZK 300

Ať to vyjde:)

Tomáš Rain
CZK 300


Milan Robovský
CZK 1,000

Malá pomoc od zaměstnanců Zubni ordinace Be iN. Věřímě, že Aničce pomůže 💗

Ondřej Musil
CZK 10,000