Pet Heroes z.s.



We're looking for heroes of animals who will send us a donation to help us get a total amount of CZK 100 000 to help doggies and kitties in need. We set a goal of 10 days for that and no donation is too small. Join in!

we started on 2023-03-29
raised 153 % out of  €3,992

supported by

807 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
On 29. 03. 2013, the story of Pet Heroes organisation started to be written. During 10 years, we've come a long way and most importantly, we saved more than 1000 animals in need!

We decided the best way to celebrate that is with more helping. So, we're looking for kind people who will send a donation to help doggies and kitties in need. Will you join?

Not everyone can donate large amounts, but most of us can miss EUR 1. 💪 And if we will manage to find a lot of people who love animals as we do, it won't be "just" EUR 1, it will be lots of money that we will be able to use to secure a better life for animals in need!

Of course, you can donate more if you can. All the money will be used to take care of animals, so the more we will be able to collect, the more bowls we will be able to fill with food. ❤️

Who are we?

Pet Heroes organisation has been helping abused, handicapped, abandoned and stray animals for 10 years. We have a shelter for dogs and cats and in our project Handipet Rescue we've been helping handicapped and ill animals in need for a long time.

We're giving a chance to an animal even in those cases when some would give up long ago, because we believe that every life has a meaning and every animal deserves to get a chance to live better.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Vážím si Vaší práce v Pet Heroes z.s. a držím palce!, také přeji pevné nervy a zdraví Vám i Vašim svěřencům!

Veronika Krofová
CZK 300

Posláno 🙏🏻Sice to není moc, ale snad se nám všem podaří pro ty čtyřnohé miláčky vybrat co nejvíce❤️ Děkuji za to, co děláte🙏🏻❤️

Andrea Jelínková
CZK 100


Jiří Morávek

Ať se podaří

Věra Macounová
CZK 100

Jsem studentka a nemám toho moc, ale alespoň malinká částka trošku přispěje. Děkuju za vaše činy! Jste úžasní!

CZK 40

Pro všechny andělské 🐾 duše, kteří nás bezmezně milují, ať se mají krásně a najdou vlídnou náruč a teplo domova 🙏🤗❤️

Petra Reková
CZK 100

Jste úžasní... Velikanská poklona a díky za vše, co pro ty neviňátka děláte a za to co jste dokázali❤️

Dušana Barčáková
CZK 100

Držím moc palce! 🙏

CZK 100


Jelínková Věra

Na všechny krásné psíčata

Dominik Štencel
CZK 100