CARE Česká republika

Humanitarian Aid Help for Ukraine

UKRAINE: Aid to Civilians Amidst the War

In line with our humanitarian mission, we help civilians who are in the midst of war.

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Daily attacks on residential houses and public infrastructure objects leave civilians in Ukraine without homes and facilities. Substandard conditions put their lives at risk. Those who are forced to flee their homes leave most of their possessions behind.
In Ukraine, CARE Czech Republic helps in several areas. We also collaborate with local organizations. In addition to financial assistance, food, warm clothing, blankets, help with transportation, and materials for property repairs, we provide much-needed psychosocial support to families, as well as abandoned, elderly, and disabled people.

Join us in helping civilians in Ukraine.
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I malá částka může pomoci, jsme s vámi!

Alžběta Anna Tatková
CZK 1,000

From a benefit concert by the band Projekt B3 and Audible Communiqué.

Adrian Westlake
CZK 20,000

Když EU s NATO selhává a nemá kuráž pomoci vojensky, pomozme alespoň touto cestou...

Daniel Fajmon
CZK 500


Ondřej P.

Jsme s vámi!

Martin Boček
CZK 1,000

Třeba i malá částka může pomoci.

Anežka Votavová
CZK 1,000

V roce 1968 jsem prožila "bratrskou pomoc" a jen se modlím, aby se vše vyřešilo mírovou cestou a neumírali nevinní lidé. Jste stateční!

Jarmila Vávrová
CZK 500

Všichni se přejeme, aby tahle noční můra skončila

Tereza Foglová

Podporuji Ukrajinu a svobodnu Europu!

Oleh Zahynej

Pro vaší svobodu

Kristian Hynek
CZK 1,000