Bez mámy, z.s.

Children, Youth and Family Development Aid

Send a child to school

They have a mom and maybe a dad, but they still don't go to school. These are children from very poor families who have no money for uniforms and shoes. And you can't go to school in Tanzania without these things. Yet 25 EUR a year is enough to give them what they need for school. 25 EUR = 1 child/1 school year

we started on 2021-11-15

Send a child to school

Primary school is compulsory, yet some children cannot attend. They lack the basics: shoes and uniform. Send at least one of them to school!
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We cooperate with 10 Tanzanian primary schools and each has at least 10 children they cannot accept because these children do not have even the most basic compulsory equipment such as exercise books, stationery, uniforms and shoes. Originally we thought that we would give the children a complete package (uniform + school supplies), but this year's experience has shown that the parents of the children are not indifferent to the issue of education and will provide the school supplies for the children themselves. THIS IS AN AMAZING PROGRESS!
However, the uniform is the most expensive thing and the poorest cannot afford it.
We are able to buy one complete uniform for amazing 25 Euros! Send your child to school?

How do these children feel when all the children in the village go to school, but not them? 
Instead, they work in the farms or in the house, fall behind intellectually, don't know what rules and regulations are, and lose contact with their peers.
For them, going to school is like a dream come true, a reward, a gift.

That's what 1 child needs to go to school:
  • shoes - EUR 8
  • uniform - EUR 16
EUR 25 = full uniform for 1 child for 1 school year

For EUR 25 a month, you can send 12 children to school during the year.

  • We sent 121 children to school in 2022
  • We sent 55 children to school in 2022
  • How many kids will it be this year?
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Silvie Šidáková
CZK 1,000

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Naďa Koníčková