Czechitas z.ú.

Education and Research Regional and Community Development

Support the education of women in IT!

Help us write more life stories. More stories about women's successful entry into the world of information technology. Support the life changes that will move the Czech Republic forward.

Yes! I want to support women in IT today!

With my gift, I will help write more life-changing stories that will move the Czech Republic forward.

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187 people
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Let's change the future of Czech IT together! 

IT is a promising environment lacking people for a long time. More people in tech would mean more people with well-priced jobs, more competitive companies, and greater resilience to crises.

We, the non-profit organization Czechitas, introduce women to the world of tech. We motivate and educate them. We help them find their dream job in a promising field with a future. We connect them with partner companies that welcome diversity in their work teams. And in doing so, we are moving and shaping the future of the Czech Republic for the better.
Be a part of this vital change. With your contribution, women can get a new job, improve their current ones or start new projects. Thanks to you, our activities will remain accessible, and we will make it easier to provide education to those who cannot afford it. 

Help us write more life stories. Support the life changes that will move the Czech Republic forward. Thank you! 

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Fandím Vám! Tento dar je dobrá investice do budoucnosti!!!

Helena Kolářová

Skvely projekt🌟🌟🌟

Renata Mrázová
CZK 10,000

Moc fandím a držím pěsti, ať se stále daří posouvat ženy v IT dovednostech.

Gabriela Chladilová
CZK 500

Rád podpořím další příběhy, které posunou Česko.

Milan Formánek
CZK 1,200

Držím Czechitas palce a díky za to, co děláte! 🍀✊🏻

Pavlína Sosa Martínez

Na víc příběhů žen, které se rozhodly vstoupit do IT a rozjet nový kariérní směr v jakémkoliv věku 💖

Lucie Mairychová
CZK 500

Ať se Vaše ⭐ v IT rozzáří tak, že všechny kolem oslní 👏🏻

Stanislav Kovář

Jedeme dál :-)

Věra Janičinová


Martina Brázdilová
CZK 500

Drzim palce 👍👍👍

Filip Dřímalka