Společnost pro ranou péči, pobočka Ostrava

Children, Youth and Family People with disabilities

Don´t be a quitter! Dip Your foot in it with us

When a handicapped child is born to its parents, their lives get turned upside down. It´s necessary for them to gather all their strength, and grapple with the unexpected turn of events in their lives. Raná péče helps all these partnets face the challenges of parenting a handicapped child. There´s a way for You to help, too! It´s quite simple - dip Your foot in it with us, and help us support these families with any financial donation.

we started on 2021-10-26

Don´t be a quitter! Dip Your foot in it with us

Get involved with us and support early care for families with children with disabilities !!!
raised 121 % out of  €6,070

supported by

74 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
3 easy steps for You to help:


Support these parents and their children by donating to Raná péče any sum You like.


Submerge or just slightly dip in cold water. Maybe only even symbolically. Dip in a pond, river, a bath, or the Niagara waterfalls. It´s up to You! Record Yourself or ask Your friend to do so, or take a photo while doing so, and share in on Facebook or Instagram, with the hashtag #nebudsrab (don´t be a scumbag), or send it to our email nebudsrab@ranapece.cz. Sharing a photo or video however isn´t necessary.


Dare two or more of Your friends, colleagues or family members to take on the challenge and support Raná péče in the process! Dip in it with us and send on the message!!!
Prove that Your aren´t just some scumbag, and support Raná péče with Your donation!!! Dip Your foot in it with us! A huge thanks for doing so!
The campaign Don´t be a scumbag! is active through the beginning of December 2021 till January 2022. Our goal is to gather the financial support for the families with handicapped children. The service Raná péče is free for the families, so the financies must be gathered (apart from subsidies from public administration) from donors. Therefore without You, this won´t work!

Any sum helps - for example:
1000 CZK = Specialised examination of the child  
500 CZK = Consultation in the family
300 CZK = Fitted equipment for the child

A huge thanks to you all, who support Raná péče and dip in it with us!!!
Are you interested who already dipped in? Check out this link.
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Vzkaz paní Liškové:-) Děkujeme velmi za podporu!!!

Dobročinný secondhand Moment podporuje ranou péči
Výzvu Nebuď srab! Namoč se pro ranou péči podpořil dobročinný secondhand Moment a rodiny s dětmi s postižením zraku či kombinovaným postižením v Moravskoslezském kraji podpořil částkou 55 000 korun. Z rané péče posíláme převeliké poděkování, moc nás spolupráce s Vámi těší!!!!!

Díky všem, kdo jste se připojili a podpořili ranou péči!
Převeliký dík posíláme všem, kdo jste s nám jakkoli namočili do podpory rané péče. Děkujeme za každý dar, využijeme jej na podporu rodin s dětmi se zrakovým hendikepem v našem regionu. Díky i Vám všem, kdo posíláte fotky a videa, sdílíte, lajkujete naše posty na sítích. Jste skvělí. Velké díky Vám.
(Dosud došlá videa či fotky namočených naleznete na https://www.nebudsrab.cz/records/ostrava/)

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Přeji hodně síly a krásné pokroky s dětmi!

Michaela Gongolová
CZK 500