Nadace Via

Children, Youth and Family

Five children who have a chance to be independent thanks to their strong will

We were inspired by the Everesting challenge, when you pick a hill and you ride your bike up and down the same hill until you climb the height of Mt. Everest, 8848 meters. We decided to take this challenge even further, virtually climbing all 14 8,000-meter peaks in this way and thus gaining the Crown of the Himalayas. It’s over 120,000 m of elevation gain and over 3,000 km, all in 6 weeks. And our charity cause is to try to help children who, because of their diagnosis, can’t yet go for such dreams. Your donation will help children on their way to their normal life. The idea is simple. "People who admire our performance can support us by donating to these children who have to fight every day." For this project, we have teamed up with organizations like Good Angel, Pink Bubble, the Via Foundation and the AXON Clinic. Together we want to raise CZK 250,000 (8,000 GBP) to support five strong stories. When the charity starts, we start too - we get on our bikes and climb our first hill.

we started on 2021-04-18
raised 113 % out of  €9,901

supported by

214 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Five children who have a chance to be independent thanks to their strong will. Let's support them!

We selected four children and one teenage girl who deserve our support. They have one thing in common - they go for it and do their best. They fight in their lives and are not stopped by the pain they have to overcome. They are literally incredible. They do everything they can, so that one day they can be on their own and happier. All of them have a big heart and our tremendous recognition.

They are children, and yet they have to deal with a situation that would be difficult for any adult to handle. But these are stories of hope. They have dreams and desires and we can now help them become reality. You can read about the stories of each of them at the individual links below. Lower in the text is our impression of meeting them. We visited each of them in person and we were moved by their strong will and full of hope that we will raise enough money so that money will not to be an obstacle on the way to the happier lives of these little fighters.

The following 4 children have the same diagnosis - cerebral palsy in different variants - but all have a chance to improve their prognosis. They have already done their best with their parents and they need to continue.

Parents try to exercise with their children as much as possible. State-funded care has had no effect so far. All of them agreed on one thing - that intensive neurorehabilitation procedures at the AXON clinic have had a great impact on improvement and they see a huge progress in their children after each rehabilitation block. It is literally a game-changer. Unfortunately, this treatment is not covered by the insurance today. There are cases where parents sold their house or their cars. Having more than one job is common. Everyone wants their children to be able to improve. They are placed in a position they did not want to be in. They need money for the health of their children, but they are uncomfortable asking their surroundings for help. And time is playing against them. The faster the children can start their treatment, the greater the improvement they can expect. Within this campaign, one block of neurorehabilitation treatment will be paid for each of the children. If we raise more, the money will cover further treatment (neurorehabilitation). It is very important that children receive this treatment at least 4 times a year. In short, each block is key. Significant progress can be seen after each block. And that's why we are doing this campaign, because as soon as the money is collected, the children receive a voucher from the AXON clinic and the treatment starts. Even a single block of treatment can make a difference – it can be the last one needed for the children to walk on their own, or it can be a step forward to this. Each of these steps is crucial for the future.

Story 1 - Matýsek “Maty” (Cerebral palsy - spastic diparesis)
When we first see Maty, he smiles warmly at us from the couch. He is nine. And from the first impression, it is obvious that he manages communication with strangers very well. He quickly accepts us as new friends, shows us his room and his hamster, which is said to play teeth on the cage every night. Rehabilitation hurts, Maty sighs. But you can see in his eyes that he will do anything to be able to walk. Although the process is very painful, walking is his biggest wish in life. When he talks about walking, he thinks about what he could do and his eyes light up. It's a happy sight. Of all the children we visited, Maty is physically closest to walking. Experts from AXON claim that he could even walk within the next year.
From the whole visit, a sentence from our mother comes to mind: "After one rehabilitation block in AXON, Matýsek came home, stood against the wall and turned on the light. Since then, he has been doing it normally. That's when I understood that a block of this treatment has had the same effect, as all the exercise in previous years. "

Story 2 - Antonie “Tonička” (diagnosed with cerebral palsy - quadruspastic form)
Tonička is a six-year-old girl. Small in stature, but a big warrior inside. When she likes you, she will offer you a sincere big smile, after which you will literally fall in love with her. The doctors said about Tonička that she would never walk. She has the most serious variant of this disease. Nevertheless, we leave the visit full of hope and with the inner conviction that anything won't stop this girl in the fight for independence. Her mother tells us clearly that after six years of intense effort, she is no longer full of optimism to believe that Tonička will walk one day. But she believes that she can be independent. That's the main thing they strive for – that their daughter can take care of herself one day. Just as Matyáš longs to walk, Tonička longs to speak and crawl. When you see her concentrating as much as possible and trying to reach a toy with all her power she has, you only want one thing. To give this warrior the treatment she deserves. To give her a chance.
Tonička’s determination to fight is immense. She doesn't stop. She can already drink or sit on her own. Watch her video with her sister Maruška.

More about Tonička on her website HEART for Tonička

Story 3 - Adrianka
Adrianka's story is the most dramatic of the selected stories. Her parents try to support her with everything they can. They go full gas. However, this is not a futile story, although it might seem at first glance. It's a story of hope, celebrating every improvement and believing that with perseverance, the future can be much better. Not words are needed in this story. Everything is described in the video below.
Adrianka's way of moving in the video was described by her parents as "ass-cross". Again, this shows the desire with which this girl wants to move. We could hardly compete with her in this “ass-cross”.

Story 4 - Dominik
Dominik's father, like the parents of the other children, did not wait. The doctors' advice to wait up to five years of age for the prognosis did not satisfy him. His father sought out a specialists and started treatment with Dominik at AXON before the second year of his life. Time plays a crucial role, so the chances for improvement for this little boy are high.
But as in all the stories above, the money needed for treatment is an obstacle to rehabilitation and Dominik's future mobility.
The video shows the everyday reality of Dominik's life. As with all these children, he is willing to overcome great pain and make a huge effort for the success of the treatment. All the more valuable and cheerful any progress. Hint: Watch the video until the end.

These children deserve a chance. After visiting AXON neurorehabilitation clinic with these children, we are convinced that this chance for such an improvement is possible and absolutely real. These kids are doing what they can, now it's our turn.

Note: Until we visited the AXON clinic, listened to each parent and saw the videos, we had no idea how important this treatment was. Now we know that it is absolutely essential!

Story 5 - Maruška, 18 (treated for thyroid cancer in a childern’s Home)
We visited Maruška and immediately upon arrival, she broke down all the prejudices we could have had. The environment of a small children's Home, where she has been living for 12 years and where there is a family atmosphere, also helps a lot. She is a force of nature. Four weeks after the last of many surgeries, she praises the speed at which the scar that stretches across her neck is healing. Finally she can do sports again. She tells us about how she plays football, rides a bike and takes other children from home on a bike. When we told her, we were going to the Alps, she wants to come with us right away!
Maruška has been treated for thyroid cancer since she was 16 years old. You would say a crazy fate and a moving story. But what is moving even more is revealed to us only after the next minutes of our meeting.
She wants to help others and she is already doing it. She was inspired to do so by her own experience with caring for disabled children in the home where she was growing up. In the future, as a nurse, she wants to focus on the disabled and the sick. That is why she is also applying for further studies - nursing at the secondary school in close town. The words of the tutor are telling the story: “We are happy with Maruška. We don't say that often, but this is the case. ” The money raised will support Maruška in further treatment and in the beginning of her adult life that is awaiting her soon. 

Five children, five strong stories. Join us and support them together!


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Držím palce :-)

Jana Studená
CZK 1,000

Držte se, všechno dobře dopadne !

Ján Gúčik
CZK 1,000

Držte se a jen tak dále!

To patří samozřejmě těm dětem :-)

Honza Galla
CZK 500

Neskutecna vyzva, jste skveli, makejte dal. Diky, ze jste to spojili i s pomoci jinym.

Petr Bartel
CZK 1,000

Přejeme sílu v nohách i hlavě! Ať se vybere, co si přejete...

CZK 1,500


Jindřich Sadílek
CZK 2,000

Drzim palce všem bojovnikum! Nevzdavejte to!

Jan Just
CZK 5,000

Maty, Tonička, Adrianka, Dominik a Maruška prajem čo najviac zdravia a síl v liečby! Peggy & Pavle nech vám to šlape a hlavne praje počasie! :)

CZK 5,000

Musím uznat, že k přispění mě inspirovala Peggy, jejíž vůle a snaha je nezdolná :)) kéž má aspoň špetku jejich vůle každý z pěti zmíněných bojovníků :) přeji hodně štěstí

CZK 1,000

Jste úžasní!

Ivo Hulínský
CZK 1,000