ROMEA, o.p.s.

Education and Research

Haters will not stop us!! Support Roma students!

There are many people who do not trust Roma students and who write hundreds of hateful posts about Roma on social media on a daily basis. The Romani students are not losing their motivation though, they are working so that the day will come when they will prove those people wrong. Thanks to your donations, we will be able to continue to support Romani students with making their dreams come true.

we started on 2021-04-08
raised 203 % out of  €19,802

supported by

219 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Haters will not stop us!!!

Although our scholarship recipients encounter many negative reactions online to the fact that they are studying, they are not losing their motivation, and they are working so that one day they will be able to show the haters how wrong they are.

This year, thanks to your aid, we have managed to support 90 Romani students attending secondary schools, higher technical colleges and universities.

We need to raise CZK 500 000 [EUR 19 500] for the scholarships in the 2021/2022 school year.

Thanks to you and your donations, the scholarship program is alive and growing.

Donate to the scholarship program and aid Romani students with making their dreams come true. Investment into education pays off!!!

For more information about the scholarship program, visit 
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Držím palce, jste příkladem pro všechny ostatní...

Petr Vejbor
CZK 100

Jménem mého tatínka Luboše :)

Lukas Pekarek
CZK 1,000

¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!

Miroslav Tomek
CZK 300

Děkuji za vaši práci, ať se studentům i vám daří.

Rebeka Bartůňková
CZK 10,000

Od babičky a holek, držíme palce :)

Klára Zugarová
CZK 2,000

Hodne stesti!


Nevzdavejte to! :-)

Petr Švrčula

Držím palce, ať se vše daří

CZK 500

podpora od komunity Visegradský jezdec

Karel Paták
CZK 1,000

Vzdělání je základ. Držím Vám palce a přeji hodně úspěchů!
