Re-set: platforma pro sociálně-ekologickou transformaci, z. s.

Education and Research Environment

This system needs Re-set!

We are developing pathways to socio-ecological transformation. What does it mean? We support and connect initiatives and social movements that strive for change for the better in all areas of life. We are dedicated to tenants' rights, supporting and connecting cooperatives, unions, climate and social movements. We pressure banks and insurance companies to stop sponsoring the fossil fuel industry that is destroying all our lives. We are committed to just transition and helping local organizations. We train people from other organizations, unions and collectives that are working on similar issues. We don't believe in systemic change designed from the table. We are looking to engage broad groups of people and empower those who are already working for a more democratic, collaborative and caring economy. Together, we are looking for ways to create a good life for all.

we started on 2020-09-01
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Are you worried about how to pay your rent and electricity at the end of the month? Wondering who gets the profits from the rising price of food? Worried about weather fluctuations and news about the climate crisis? Are you losing confidence that you will be able to have your basic needs met and live in peace and security in the future, no matter how hard you work?
We believe that all these issues are connected, that solutions exist and that together we can achieve them.

We focus on the role of oligarchs, banks and insurance companies in accelerating the climate crisis, the issue of rental housing, energy poverty and just transformation.
We support and empower those who are already advocating for a good life for all in their neighborhoods, whether they are tenants' associations, unions, cooperatives, climate movements, or grassroots organizations.
We run workshops on practical skills relevant to the functioning of social and climate movements (such as facilitation, strategy development, communication, care). We are a self-organized group and we train others to develop their own systems of self-organizing. 

We publish texts that explore the causes of social and environmental problems and seek solutions. We intend our reports to be a resource and tool for existing climate and social movements. But we also aim to introduce the media and the wider public to key terms and concepts associated with democratic, social and ecological economics.

In the future, we want to continue to deepen and transfer our experience and develop cooperation with more organizations and active groups of people. We plan to educate ourselves in new methods of organizing and to focus on local issues and specificities of Central and Eastern Europe.

We want our work to be centered around the actual needs of people, not around grant conditions of large foundations. The financial support from our supporters contributes not only to the administrative and coordinating action, without which we could not exist. Alone, no one has yet made a difference. Support us, this system needs Re-set.

For more information on what we do, visit


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Keep up the good work. People believe in your commitment!

CZK 1,000

Nikdo nevydává tak dobře napsané a krásné studie jako vy. Díky za to

Martin Bartoš
CZK 300

Vaší práce si velmi vážím. Vede ke skutečné změně a dává tak skutečnou naději.


Držím palce

Adam Bílek
CZK 200


Sandra a Daniel Ortovi
CZK 200

Díky za vše, co děláte, děcka! Naší zbraní je solidarita, naším cílem je záchrana planety.

Jura Jindra
CZK 300


Martina Krošová
CZK 1,000

Díky za vaši práci a workshopy. :)

Anna Kupcová
CZK 500

Děkuji za školení Jak společně vyhrávat.

CZK 500

společně vyhrajem;)

jana bana
CZK 500