Armáda spásy

Socially Disadvantaged Groups


Thank you for choosing to support homeless people on a regular basis. A night in a dry, warm and safe place is a great gift for them, but this usually does not solve their life situation.It is necessary to work with them for a long time and support them on their way to joining the society and reaching independent living. And you can be a part of this journey!

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Street Work Programmes
The first line of our services, we contact users in their natural environment (on the streets, in parks, etc.), where we offer them help and support in their difficult life situation and offer them our other services.

Night Shelters
Space for all homeless people who want to spend the night in a dry and warm place, where they can use the support of social workers, have the opportunity to use sanitary facilities, can also have hot tea or soup with bread and can use a charity wardrobe.

Separate, time-limited, temporary accommodation with intensive social work, aimed at maximizing of user’s independence.

Social housing
Independent living in a normal residential area where the user is visited by our social workers who try to help him/her cope with the difficulties of everyday life, after a certain time the user can stay in the flat and he returns to independent living.

Independent living
The user no longer needs us and lives independently in an adequate environment.



 It’s not just about shelter. Many users need additional support on their way to independent living. We also have a range of services for them in the Salvation Army (e.g. health care, services for people with addictions, services for the elderly, help with employment, etc.).

Social assistance and support – all services on the way to permanent housing actively offer help and support of professional social workers (help with debts, processing documents, health care, help with finding a job, etc.).

Employment – All our services help homeless people find work, we search for and create jobs for them where they can gain – often lost – job competencies and experience.

Healthcare for the homeless – Homeless people often suffer from health problems that prevent them from returning to general society, finding a job, etc. We set up Doctor’s Offices and first-aid stations and provide basic help with treatment and consultation in within the Street Work Programmes. Our goal is to improve the health of socially excluded people.

Services for elderly homeless people – Independent living is not the best choice for all our clients. Many of them are elderly or suffer from serious illnesses and need constant support. We are setting up “Přístav” (“Harbour”) Homes for these clients.

Services for homeless people with addictions – Many homeless people suffer from alcohol addiction, which needs to be addressed before returning to general society and to independent living. We also provide suitable services for these users.


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Pro lepší životní podmínky!
Jana Pertáková

Jana Pertáková
CZK 200

Děkuji že pomáháte


Děkuji, za to, co děláte.

Milan Zach
CZK 100

Pro Vás, kterým mohu alespoň trochu ulehčit tíživou životní situaci

Zdeňka Dobrovolná
CZK 200

Velmi si vážím toho, co děláte.

Pavel Hanuš
CZK 1,000

Držte se :-)

Kateřina Minarovičová

Letos jsem se zpozdila a venku mrzne...

Rostislava Paarová

Díky za Vaši práci.

CZK 1,000

Přeji pěkný pobyt.

Janina Ptaková
CZK 500

Snad i ta trocha pomůže,ikdyby jen jednomu člověku.

Lukáš Štěpán
CZK 100