Salesiánská provincie Praha

Children, Youth and Family Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Playground Construction

We are completing the community part of the new center in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. It will include a playground for children from the Lozenec slum. We estimate the total cost of the playground at CZK 1,100,000, of which about CZK 500,000 is earthworks. We are dredging currently - help us with the removal of the soil!

we started on 2020-07-21

Help us with dredging the playground!

raised 47 % out of  €20,198

supported by

67 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Co děti? Mají si kde hrát? :)

Zuzana Madronová

Done Bosco ora pro nobis

Pavel Kafka

Přeji, ať se potřebná částka dá brzy dohromady a dílo může pokračovat :-)

Jan Tomiga

Bojujte!! Jsme na vaší straně.
Honza Su - Petrinum

Jan Suchý
CZK 2,000

Ще копая с вас


Věřím, že to vykopeme

Luke Skywalker
CZK 170

Tak ať můžeme na podzim kolaudovat ;)

CZK 350

Posláno,držím palce a modlitba.

Veronika Strachová
CZK 500


CZK 1,000

Je to tam.. ;-)

Pavel Merenda