Pomáháme lidem na útěku, z.s.

Humanitarian Aid Human Rights

Support Refugees with Fluff Fest 2020

This year, as a result of the Covid-19 measures, Fluff Fest will not be taking place. The organisers have therefore decided instead to support organisations helping refugees on the Balkan route and have joined forces with the Czech association “Pomáháme lidem na útěku” (We Help People on the Run). You can send the money you would have spent on your entrance ticket to help people for whom the borders have been closed for a long time.

we started on 2020-04-29

supported by

134 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Fluff Fest is an independent, multi-genre festival with hc/punk roots, which links music with political activism. This year, due to the current situation around the world, it will not be taking place, but the organisers have decided not to sit at home doing nothing and, instead of organising the event, will be supporting grass-roots organisations and independent volunteers helping refugees in the Balkans and Greece. Instead of a ticket for the festival, you can donate the money, which we will use to support the following organisations:

Czech Refugee Help (Pomáháme lidem na útěku) – a Czech organisation that has been bringing together volunteers helping on the Balkan route since 2015. At the moment it operates the ComPass 42 community centre in Sarajevo, which provides refugees with basic sanitary and social facilities (internet, showers, kitchens). During lockdown, it has been functioning as a laundry for the nearby refugee camps. The money will be used to operate the centre (operating the showers and laundry) as well as for materials to establish a garden and greenhouse, which the refugees will be able to use to prepare food.

Low Tech With Refugees – an organisation active in Greece on the island of Lesbos as part of the One Happy Family project. It focuses on the low-threshold use of technologies and recycling of available materials, through which it helps refugees to build up basic facilities and tools. The money from the campaign will be used to equip a mobile workshop which will help refugees build houses and shelters from debris and unused materials.

The organisations involved are small, volunteer, grass-roots led and financed by activities that rely on the work of unpaid volunteers on location and donations from individuals. They do not accept government or European grants. The money raised will be used to directly help refugees in the field with no operating or administrative costs.

Depending on the situation at the time and how much is raised, further organisations working on the same principles may also get involved.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign


Jelena Barnokyová
CZK 555

FLUFF rules :)

wojtek zborowski

Vďaka za tu zbierku, snáď pomôžeme 🤘🤘

Jozef Butala

Thanks for organizing this!


Díky a těšíme se příští rok.

CZK 250

♡ ♡ ♡

Lydia Gresakova
CZK 500

Thanks for your work. See you at Fluff 2021
