Pet Heroes z.s.


Help Sick Dogs and Cats at Handipet Rescue

Cats and dogs need you. They fight for their lives every day. Their bodies and souls are hurt. They are handicapped, abused, injured, sick, abandoned. They cannot help themselves. Thanks to your help, they get a chance at a new life. A wonderful life filled with happiness and love. Will you join us? Contribute towards helping them.

We are grateful for donations of any size. Below each donated sum, you will find an example of how we can help thanks to your contribution. Thank you for your support.
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We take care of handicapped, sick and abused cats and dogs. Cats and dogs whose owners do not want or need them anymore. We give them a chance at a new life – a happy one, full of love, joy, warmth and a full belly. Our motto is “every life matters”. However, we cannot do it without your help. 
Unfortunately, the care that these animals require is not subsidized by the state. This is why we have been able to help more than 500 animals in need only thanks to donations from animal lovers. Join those who are not indifferent to what happens to dogs and cats and support our work. Even the smallest contribution can help us to save more animals in need. 

How Handipet Rescue works and who we take care of? 

Handipet Rescue operates on foster care basis. There are no kennels, we take care of all animals as if they were our own. They share the house with us. After what they have been through, they deserve the best. We give a chance to the most vulnerable ones – those who have been forgotten by other people or are likely to be put down. These animals would not let us humans down if we were in trouble, would they?

We take care of animals with diabetes, those who are paralyzed and need a “wheelchair”, animals who are blind or missing a limb. Even handicapped dogs and cats deserve a chance to fight and find their place under the sun. We do not put them on death row just because they are sick.

Where do they come from? 

Some animals are surrendered by owners who do not want to take care of them anymore or do not know how to do it. We take in animals from puppy mills where they are abused. Some of the animals come from other organizations that do not have the right conditions to take care of sick or handicapped animals.

To us, dogs and cats are not just stocklist items or things. They are our friends, companions and family. Creatures who cannot defend themselves on their own. We think that every life has an immense value and that is why we do the best we can for them.
Thank you for any form of support!

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Pro kočičky

Petra Onderková
CZK 200

Pro Gretchen nebo pro jiného pejska, kočičku, kteří penízky potřebují. Není to mnoho, ale každá koruna se počítá a všechna zvířátka si zaslouží péči, poznat laskavost, dobré srdce a pohlazení. Jste úžasní, co pro ně děláte. Děkuji.

Isabella Denisa Pospíšilová
CZK 250

Kéž bych se mohla postarat o všechny. Posílám alespoň drobnost, přeji hodně zdraví a sil ❤️

Barbora Dragounová

Jste skvělí, přeji hodně štěstí a zdraví vám i vašim chráněncům:-), ať všichni najdou milující domov:-).

Jitka Stoklasová
CZK 200

Rada bych darovala vetsi castku,doufam,ze alespon takto malinko pomohu.Bohuzel jsem onemocnela a staram se o dalsi zviratka,ktera mam doma.Preji vsem zviratkam lepsi zivot a vam velke diky!❤Urcite prilezitostne zaslu dalsi fin.castku.❤

Marie Brozovska
CZK 100

Přeji hodně zdaru ve Vašem snažení.

Irina Proskurňa
CZK 200

Poslala jsem Vám aspoň 100 korun , vím že to není moc , ale aspoň malinká pomoc pro zvířátka♥

Andy Hejčová
CZK 100

Nech sa psíkom i mačičkám darí! -Kormi

Ján Michael Kormaník
CZK 400

At se vam vse dari v novem roce, hodne zdravi vsem a dekuji moc za to, co pro zviratka delate. MM

Michaela Matějková
CZK 500

Díky za to, že jsou v dnešní uspěchané a sebestředné době lidé jako Vy. To co děláte má smysl, i když není na první pohled vidět, i když by to někdo nazval zbytným, ten smysl tam je a nejsme na světě jen, abychom pomáhali sami sobě, ale i druhým lidem a zvířatům, ty si totiž o pomoc často samy říct nedokáží.

Šimon Urban
CZK 1,000