ROMEA, o.p.s.

Education and Research


We have been supporting Romani high school students with accessing education since 2016. Many have successfully graduated and been accepted to university

we started on 2020-04-15


We have been supporting Romani students in their studies since 2016. Many of them successfully graduated and were accepted to universities. That is all thanks to you.
raised 327 % out of  €19,728

supported by

424 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The new online campaign THANKS TO YOU makes it possible for people to support dozens of Romani high school and college students who have good grades in pursuing the studies of their dreams, students who have no choice but to grapple with social exclusion and difficult financial situations.

We are grateful for each new regular donor who will support these students in the long term, even if it is by contributing just a smaller amount of money. We can better aid those who need us in a more sustainable way through regular support.

Thanks to you we are supporting 60 Romani high school students per year
Thanks to you we are aiding Romani students who cannot afford to study because of their unfavorable social situations. 
Thanks to you we are adding more and more regular donors, giving us the hope that comprehensive scholarship support for high-performing Romani students from low-income families will continue long-term
If you have not yet given to the Romani Scholarship Program, you can still do so now.

The more small contributors we involve, the more sustainable this program becomes. 

This is all exactly thanks to you.
By the beginning of the new school year we need to raise CZK 500 000 [EUR 18 400].
We thank you.
More information about the Scholarship program are here:

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

At se studium dari!

Jan Balajka
CZK 500

Hodně štěstí při studiu!

CZK 500

Kde se člověk narodí, by nemělo rozhodovat o jeho možnostech na budoucí úspěch. Hodně zdaru při učení!

Tomáš Sýkora
CZK 500

Vzděláním ke svobodě!

Tomáš Kokoška
CZK 5,000

Díky vám!

Lucie Němcová

Vzdělání a kritické myšlení otevírá obzory... stačí se nebát :-)


Ať se daří! Chválím moc tento projekt. Romové udělali velký posun za posledních 100 let. Bude-li jich více studovat, bude ten posun ještě rychlejší a jejich kvalita života se pět zlepší.

Tomáš Šena
CZK 300

Přejeme hodne zdaru ve vaši praci,

Lumir a Kateřina Krejci

Lumir Krejci
CZK 14,000

Velmi mě zaujal článek o p. Mihaličkové v Deníku N. Cesta přes vzdělání je určitě tou nejlepší podporou. Velmi mě naštval konec článku, kde je popisováno, jaké ji chodily rasistické komentáře na sociálních sítích. Stydím se za tyto "Čechy". Ale co bychom chtěli s naším současným prezidentem a vládou.

Michal Terč

Jak pravil Seneca: „Non scholae sed vitae discimus.“
Přeji úspěšné studium.

Erik Bolebruch
CZK 2,000