MeetFactory o.p.s.

Culture, Art and History

Will you open MeetFactory again with us?

Once a year MeetFactory four dramaturgies work together and the result of the cooperation is the Public House event. From safety reasons we are not able to do such a huge event in April like it was planned. But we are far away from canceling it! With your donations - a symbolic entrance fee, you will help us open MeetFactory again when those times of uncertainty will pass.

we started on 2020-03-19

Will you open MeetFactory again with us?

Once a year MeetFactory four dramaturgies work together and the result of the cooperation is the Public House event. From safety reasons we are not able to do such a huge event in April like it was planned. But we are far away from canceling it! With your donations - a symbolic entrance fee, you will help us open MeetFactory again when those times of uncertainty will pass.

supported by

35 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Like many others „culture factories“ MeetFactory is temporarily closed due to the government statement. Concerts, theater shows, exhibitions, studios were cancelled. Despite this we keep working hard on planning new exciting things for you. Music department is looking for new dates for postponed concerts, theater team is preparing new shows (Michel Houellebecq: Serotonin, Karl Ove Knausgård: My Struggle), curators are planning both group exhibition Spiritualities: Three contemporary portrayals of transcendence and beliefs and solo exhibition by Indian artist Afrah Shafiq called Sultana’s Reality, residential program is searching the way how to keep cooperating with foreign and Czech artists. 

Once a year those four dramaturgies work together and the result of the cooperation is the Public House event. The exhibition openings, concerts, theater performances, guided tours, open studios and artist talks are on the agenda of the evening. But the main point of this event is to meet with you, connect different types of art together, to learn, to stop for a while and absorb the art. 
From safety reasons we are not able to do such a huge event in April like it was planned. But we are far away from cancelling it! With your donations - a symbolic entrance fee, you will help us open MeetFactory again when those times of uncertainty will pass. Both good feeling and free drink during Public House will be your reward! 

Wash your hands, wear the mask, keep art in your heart. 

Your MeetFactory 
#jedemedal #supportculture 

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drzim palce ze fabriku co najskor zprovoznite

CZK 1,000


Kryštof Blabla

meetfactory žije!!

Josef Pánek
CZK 200

drzte sa, robite najlepsie koncerty :)

Juro Halas
CZK 200

Good luck to you. Stay healthy.

Patrick Muller
CZK 100

<3 džte se!

Barbora Řehořová
CZK 200