Paradox z.s.

Culture, Art and History


Greetings, let me be direct – this weird year has already had many casualties of all sorts and IF WE DON’T ACT RIGHT NOW, OUR BELOVED CULTURAL SPOT IN PRAGUE - THE CROSS CLUB – MIGHT SOON BECOME ONE OF THEM !!! With all the current restrictions taking place, there’s a real possibility that 20 years of hard work and efforts might become history, and so would our daily heaps of music, culture and entertainment of different kinds, cinema, theatre, education and inspiration, workshops, magical meetings, new life experiences, great food and drinks, laughs and chill, all under one roof (and terrace and garden). No wonder that some time ago this venue was voted one of 10 best venues in the whole wide world... You know why? Because it’s family! It’s a second home! Not only for me, but also for thousands of people I’ve met on my life walks. One day, when we wake up from this strange collective nightmare, we all hope to return to many activities, little joys and places that we’ve loved for years. Can you imagine that?? The world with no Cross club ? I simply CAN’T AND I REFUSE TO! NOT FOR COVID! Please, please, this is an appeal to each and every artist who has performed in this beautiful place in the past or would like to in the future, to every promoter who has put up nights there, to all people who simply admire various forms of art and like to socialize in a free zone open to everybody... An appeal to all who just love the Cross Club as much as I do and want us all to be able to meet there in the future again: let’s put our efforts together and help the Cross Club make it through these couple of uncertain winter months!! Before the sun shines upon us again and they can open the gates in all their beauty! It may sound like a cliche, but I strongly believe we can make this together!

we started on 2020-03-15


If you can support Crossclub by any amount of money (and we are aware how difficult the situation is for all of us), please send us the donation that will go solely into the hands of those, who have kept for you the Cross Club organism running, who have secured every cultural event and who are now in a precarious situation without any access to the possible income.

supported by

840 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Cross Club has never been just a house at Plynární str.23. We have never been just a place to rent or a generic dance music venue. Cross Club is a living organism and it is primarily due to the people who developed and carved it. We have never pretended to be a place for higher society. We have been open and offered culture to all without distinction. Our values are firmly rooted in alternative and in constant effort in finding new ways. Therefore we are not mournful at the time we have to stop all of our activities. We are sure that good ideas will get through any crisis and where there is silence now there will be dance again.

But what worries us is the situation of our employees. Bartenders, sound engineers, cleaners, cooks, housekeepers, designers and the entire team. Due to the spread of coronavirus and sudden suspension of our possibilities to raise the income we appeared in extensive financial problems. If you can support our team by any amount of money (and we are aware how difficult the situation is for all of us), please send us the donation that will go solely into the hands of those, who have kept for you the Cross Club organism running, who have secured every cultural event and who are now in a precarious situation without any access to the possible income.

As an expression of our gratitude, we promise future events; concerts, parties, lectures, open-air summer cinema, theatres and the myriad of other activities 365 days a year.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign


CZK 1,000

Ať žije Crosss!!

Petr Šanda
CZK 1,000


Mína Funk
CZK 300

Doufám, že se brzy uvidíme 🇨🇿

Petr Hercinger
CZK 300

Co děláte, děláte dobře, díky, zasloužíte si pomoc. Už se těším až bude zase plně otevřeno.

CZK 500

CrossClub has had a life-changing effect on me and has become an absolute home for me over the entire last 2 Years. On top of all that, it became also the place where I found love.
I‘ll gladly spend any amount of money if it helps saving this unique and amazing, dark little piece of earth which is so full of energy.

Romy Fischer

Držte se v této nelehké době! Těším se, až se konečně zase potkáme na mejdanu!

Jaroslav Janouch
CZK 500

Be strong !


dejte to!!!

Martin Bohac

until next time
