Armáda spásy

Elderly Socially Disadvantaged Groups

From the Street to the Harbour

Support our services for people at risk of homelessness in their elderly years.

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Have you ever wondered how people experiencing homelessness end up? 
What might they experience when advanced age or serious illness is added to their time on the streets? Unfortunately, the end of these people is often very bleak, which is what we are trying to prevent. That is why our Harbour Homes service works to provide these people with shelter, food, medical care, hope and, in the end, a dignified exit from what is so often an unhappy world for them. In Harbour Homes, these people find an oasis of peace and safety, a place where they can feel that they are not completely abandoned by the world. 
We consider Harbour Homes to be one of our best services, but one that costs a lot of money. We would be very grateful if you could help us carry this burden so that these places can continue to function and help. 
Thank you! 


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Přeji hodně sil v této době!

Petr Sosík
CZK 1,000

Nech poslúži dobrej veci.

CZK 5,000

Hodně sil a dobré nálady!

Katerina Genttnerova
CZK 200

Drzte se!!

Zuzana Hajkova

Všem vám přeji hodně zdraví.

Libuše Herelová
CZK 500


Dalibor Kočí
CZK 100

Přeji všem lidem, aby se nikdy necítili sami....

CZK 200

Ať láska světu vládne a nejen dnešní den, ať všechno špatné padne a život je krásný sen . Šťastné a Veselé Vánoce Vám Všem 

Tanja Jovanovic

Šťastné a veselé vánoce všem lidem dobré vůle.

Martin Risica
CZK 500

Organizaci Armáda Spásy mám moc ráda. Koupila jsem i Nocleženky, které se mi moc líbí. Snad drobný příspěvek alespoň trochu pomůže :)

Lucie Jahodová
CZK 100