ŽIVOT 90, z.ú.


Let us give the gift of safety and security

We have been providing the Emergency Care service for more than twenty-five years, via which we have saved the lives of thousands of senior citizens throughout the entire Czech Republic. Help us to also provide this service to those who cannot afford it. Monthly costs for an emergency button are CZK 400. We need another CZK 200,000 by the end of 2018 so that we will also be able to provide this service to those who cannot afford it during the next year.

we started on 2018-11-26

We want to provide Emergency Care for all of next year to those people who really need it. Be one of those people who help us to do so. We can together save somebody's life.

Every donation counts. If you donate CZK 1200, we will together be able to arrange an emergency button for a specific senior citizen for 3 months. But even a smaller donation will help a lot. For every CZK 800 you donate, we are able to give a senior citizen a feeling of safety for 2 months and for a month if you donate CZK 400.
raised 159 % out of  €7,992

supported by

189 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
According to the census, half a million senior citizens live alone in households in the Czech Republic.Grandmothers and grandfathers are an integral part of society and we would like, with your help, to provide these people a feeling of safety and security.

Senior citizens regularly find themselves in situations when they need to call for help
. For example, they fall over in the bathroom or elsewhere in the flat and are unable to call for help because they do not have a mobile phone within reach and there is nobody nearby. In situations like this, our emergency button can save lives. The service works as an alarm which sends a signal to the dispatching centre in an emergency. All the senor citizen has to do is press the button on their armband and Život 90 will send out immediate help. Each and every client can thus feel at ease at home, safe in the knowledge that we can provide help whatever the time of day or night.

We are more than just a standard service. We keep in contact with our senior citizens every week. Senior citizens look forward to our employees calling them and asking how they are and what they happen to be enjoying that day. And their birthdays do not go unnoticed, either. We want them to see us as their partners in life, not as a provider of social services.

Give senior citizens the gift of safety and security
and we, together, will thus be able to provide an emergency button to those who need it. It is no exaggeration to say that it could be the button you give that saves somebody’s life.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Dlouholeté působení péče o seniory si zaslouží úctu a poděkování.

Ladislav Stupka
CZK 10,000

Děkuji za váš projekt. Nouzové tlačítko jsem plánovala pro svou babičku, ale mrtvice byla, bohužel, rychlejší. Možná by bývalo mohlo být všechno jinak, kdyby ho měla a pomoc se k ní dostala dříve. Třeba můj dar, i když malý, pomůže někomu jinému.


Díky, že pomahate!

Tereza Fialová
CZK 800

Nikdo by neměl žít v nejistotě. Děkuji za krásný projekt!


Život 90 je organizace, která pomáhá seniorům již řadu let. Rád je vždy podpořím. Pomáhají dlouhá léta a věřím, že díky této kampaní pomohou více seniorům, kteří si pomoc zaslouží.

CZK 500