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Environment Animals

Save Turtle

We protect sea turtles, beautiful creatures that have lived on Earth for more than 110 million years. Today, they are threatened with extinction. Their population has declined by more than 90% in some places over the last 70 years. Locals steal turtle eggs from beaches and sell them to tourist restaurants, ripping their shells off alive to make souvenirs. With the local organisation Sehabat penyu Loang, we protect several beaches on Lembata Island in Indonesia. These beaches are a major breeding ground for the critically endangered Hawksbill sea turtle, as well as the Olive ridley sea turtle and the green sea turtle. In 2022, a project to improve sea turtle conservation also began in Sri Lanka. We lead and fund the conservation work. We guard the beaches from poachers, transfer the eggs to a protected part of the beach, release the turtles into the sea as soon as they hatch, and teach locals to make souvenirs from alternative materials such as coconut. We teach children about turtles, about nature and also English. The educational materials we have created are used worldwide. As consultants, we also help in other parts of the world. In the Czech Republic, we are trying to raise public awareness about the situation of sea turtles, the causes of the threats to these rare reptiles and the ways we can help them.

Save turtle

You can help us by donating; even a small amount makes a difference. The donations cover wages for local rangers in Indonesia, costs of fuel for a small ship and materials for the education of local people. We appreciate your help. Thank you
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We protect sea turtles, beautiful creatures that have lived on Earth for more than 110 million years. Today, they are threatened with extinction. With the local organisation Sehabat penyu Loang, we protect several beaches on Lembata Island in Indonesia. These beaches are a major breeding ground for the critically endangered sea turtle species. In 2022, a project to improve sea turtle conservation also began in Sri Lanka. We lead and fund the conservation work. We guard the beaches from poachers, transfer the eggs to a protected part of the beach, release the turtles into the sea as soon as they hatch, teach locals to make souvenirs from alternative materials, teach children about turtles and nature, and also teach English.

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Díky za vaši práci!

Sandra Vohrnová
CZK 5,000

pro želvičky místo kafe

Tereza Ondráčková
CZK 100


Adela Prikrylova
CZK 50

Darujeme záchranu dvou snůšek, aby se narodilo co nejvíce želviček :). Děkujeme za vaši práci.

Aneta Kullová
CZK 1,000

Terezka 8 let


Jan Farný/Alžběta Farná

Alžběta Farná
CZK 500


Adela Martikánová

Díky, že děláte svět lepším :)

Tereza Pavinská
CZK 200

Jen sešit, který jsem si nedávno dopřála, s želvičkami na obálce je málo(⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)

Roma Buňková
CZK 50

pro želvičky

Karla Němcová
CZK 1,500