ROMEA, o.p.s.

Education and Research Children, Youth and Family

I have a dream!

WE AID STUDENTS WITH MAKING THEIR ACADEMIC DREAMS COME TRUE. Each of us has a dream of some kind. Very often that dream cannot be realized without assistance from others. For that reason, we have accepted yet another big challenge! If we raise CZK 300 000 [EUR 12 000] by 15 June, Bader Philantrophies will double that amount. You will be contributing to support for the Romani Scholarship Program, through which we plan to support at least 60 students during the next school year. We thank you for your help!

we started on 2018-04-18


This amount shows the matching grant from Bader Philanthropies. Once the counter reaches at least EUR 24 000 we will have reached our aim. We believe that together with you, we will get there. We are giving financial aid to students to fulfil their academic dreams. Thank you for assisting us.

supported by

221 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Please watch the video with our students and see  what do they dream of.  The video is with English subtitles.

The Danish Velux Foundation, which is the main donor to the Romani Scholarship Program, is reducing its own financial support for this program annually - their aim is to make sure this program can eventually be 100 % financed by local resources. 

Each year there are more Romani students attending high schools, higher technical schools, and colleges, who want to become part of this comprehensive scholarship program. This school year we received more than 130 applications for scholarships. We supported 80 of them, thanks to our previous campaign.

Soon the next round of scholarship support will be announced for the upcoming 2018/2019 academic year and we want to be ready to aid more students in their efforts to access a high-quality education. The amount of CZK 600 000 [EUR 24 000] will arrange for complete financing of the scholarship program so that we will be able to support at least 60 students in the fall.  In this video you will see our new scholarship recipients for the 2017/218 academic year. They have their academic and professional dreams and we, together with you, will assist them in making those dreams come true.

We are the first Romani organization to bravely launch such an online campaign and thanks to you, our donors from the majority society and the Romani community, we are succeeding. We thank you!

This is not just about scholarships, but a comprehensive program of support for these students, who in addition to direct financial support are able to acquire a mentor, a contribution toward an extracurricular educational course, to complete an internship at a company, to meet other Romani students from all over the Czech Republic during weekend motivational courses and to voluntarily help out in Romani organizations. 
For more about our program see
Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

dlouhodobé změny přináší vzdělání, držím palce Olga Richterová

Olga Richterová
CZK 300

Přejeme úspěch romským studentům.

Hana Prousková
CZK 3,000

Děkuju za organizaci pomoci. Jsem na vaše studenty moc pyšná a přeju jim, ať zvládnou všechny zkoušky.

jana ciglerova
CZK 500

Ať se daří!


Aby splnění snů bylo blíže

Jarmila Tyrnerová
CZK 1,000

Nechť tato částka pomůže! :)

Jaromír Ocelka
CZK 1,000

Mám sen. I have a dream!

Daniel Mihok
CZK 250

Preji at se dari. MM

Martin Mata
CZK 2,500

Ať se Vám a Vašim studentům daří!

Lukas Janicek
CZK 1,777

Usporadali jsme tombolu a vynosy predame dal. Drzime palce!

Pepper Lunch Club
CZK 1,350