Nadace Via

Philanthropy and Volunteering Regional and Community Development

Join us in making the Czech Republic a better place to live.

Do you want the Czech Republic to be a place where most people act freely and courageously, accept responsibility for themselves and their communities and see giving as a normal part of life? Give to Via Foundation. We have been developing the art of community engagement and the art of giving in the Czech Republic for over 20 years.

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Supporting people who are enthusiastically and patiently engaging their neighbors in community improvement efforts makes a difference. Thank you for your help.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Dar nemocnicím pro boj s Koronavirem
Odešlu 29.3.2020

Oldřich Škrabálek
CZK 1,000

Nadaci VIA pravidelně podporuji, protože dává pozitivní příklady všem.

Petr Petřík
CZK 2,000

Prosím o zaslání potvrzení o daru. Přeji šťastný a úspěšný rok 2019!

Jiří Juchelka
CZK 2,500

Zdař Bůh

Vojtěch Sedláček
CZK 10,000