ROMEA, o.p.s.

Human Rights


Let’s all say “NO!” loud and clear to hatred by supporting the Romani Scholarship Program. We will donate 50 % of our current fundraising effort to all of the children, irrespective of nationality, attending the Primary School in Teplice that has been recently attacked online.

we started on 2017-11-14


Let’s all say “NO!” loud and clear to hatred by supporting the Romani Scholarship Program. We will donate 50 % of our current fundraising effort to all of the children, irrespective of nationality, attending the Primary School in Teplice that has been recently attacked online.

supported by

774 people
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!

Our program has long supported the education of Romani college and secondary school students. 

This academic year the scholarship program is supporting 86 Romani students from all over the Czech Republic. 

What is this project about?
We want more educated Romani people. 
We want Romani people to acquire qualified employment.
We want Romani people to extricate themselves from the vicious circle of poverty.

This is not just about scholarships, but about a comprehensive program of support for students who, in addition to direct financial aid, are able to acquire a mentor, to pay for a specific educational course, to complete an internship at a business, to meet other Romani students from all over the Czech Republic during motivational weekends, and to voluntarily assist Romani organizations with their work. It makes sense.  

From this fundraising drive, 50 % of the funds will be used as scholarship support for Romani students of higher vocational and secondary schools next school year. The scholarship for one secondary school student is in the amount of CZK 14 000 annually, and for a higher vocational school student it is CZK 21 000 annually. Students can also draw on financial support for tutoring, mentoring, and other education outside of school in a total amount of CZK 13 000 annually.
More details about the program and its conditions can be found at

At the same time, we are responding to the current wave of racism that is spreading through the Czech Republic. The impulse was the recent hateful verbal attacks made against the first-grade class at a primary school in Teplice because of the children’s appearance and ethnicities. We have decided to donate 50 % of our current fundraising drive to that school. Some of our financial support will be used for necessary equipment and educational materials for the first-grade class as the school administration determines necessary. We will also support pupils in the 9th grade of that school by aiding them with preparing for their entrance examinations to high school, irrespective of nationality.

“On behalf of all the pupils, their parents, and the entire school, I thank the organizers of this campaign for deciding to donate part of the funds raised to the needs of our pupils attending grades 1 through 9. We are glad the aid is being offered to these children and we greatly appreciate such a helpful attitude,” said Marcela Prokůpková, director of the Primary School with Expanded Instruction in Computer and Information Technology in Teplice, Czech Republic.

Support this project even more and ask your friends to help Create campaign

Moc děkujeme za Vaši práci! Každé dítě má mít šanci na důstojný a smysluplný život.

Co se v naší společnosti nyní děje je otřesné, ale věřím, že takovéto názory má jen hrstka našich spoluobčanů, kteří se k nim bojí přiznat. (naštěstí)

Tereza Hager
CZK 1,000

Ráda přispěji na dobrou věc. Potřebujeme více vzdělaných Romů a hlavně romské mládeže ,kde vidím lepší budoucnost dalších generaci. Apeluji na Romy, aby podporovali tento projekt. Nemusí to být velké částky /dle možnosti/. Romských podnikatelů je ČR hodně.
Mělo by nám záležet ,aby další generace nežili v takových podmínkách jako dnes a proto je důležitý vzdělání.

Viera Ščuková
CZK 1,000

Děkuji za tento skvělý nápad pomoci dětem ohroženým českými xenofobními prvoky.

Martin Couf
CZK 200

Protože nenávisti je třeba se postavit a zlepšit atmosféru v ČR.


Držím palce!

Eva Lukesova

Protože to je to nejmenší, co mohu udělat. Je třeba říci důrazné NE všem podobně smýšlejícím a artikulujícím spoluobčanům. Nemlčet!

Viktor Machek
CZK 500

Přeji hodně úspěchů ve škole!

Jana Šeblová
CZK 1,000

Děkuji organizátorům a všem dárcům za naše děti a také se připojuji.

Marcela Prokůpková
CZK 2,000

Kéž se daří rozvíjet porozumění, laskavost a vzájemný respekt.

Michala Kolářová

držím palce, Petr

Petr Linhart
CZK 100