ROMEA, o.p.s.

Education and Research

Became a regular donor to the Roma Scholarship programme

Became a regular donor to the Roma Scholarship programme in the Czech Republic. We support good Roma students from poor families in their studies.

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ROMEA has been supporting successful Romani secondary school and university students who could not afford to study without our financial support for more than five years.

During those five years, the Velux Foundations of Denmark was the Scholarship Program´s main donor, but their funding is coming to an end.

Our program will not be ending, though! The Albatros, Psaní pomáhá and Sova foundations, all based in the Czech Republic, are funding our scholarship program too.

ROMEA is one of the first Romani NGOs to engage in individual sponsorship, and we have also been able to continue to support the Roma students and help them fulfil their dreams through online crowdfunding. Without you, the individual donors, that would hardly be possible!

Right now we are focusing on long-term, regular support from individual donors who ideally contribute to our program on a monthly basis, even if with just a small amount. This will help us seek funding from more sources and ensure that our support to these students is continuous and consistent. Just 500 individual donors making a monthly contribution of EUR 10 would secure funding for one-third of this program.

Every year 150 students usually apply for our scholarship, and this year 200 Romani students applied for aid with studying at secondary schools, universities and colleges.

College graduates evaluate these scholarship applications and choose the students to receive this financial aid. The students have to submit a complex application, including a motivational essay.

Your support helps level the playing field for these Romani students so they can succeed.

The aim of ROMEA's scholarship program is to build the Romani middle class. Investment in education is the best possible way for Romani people to extricate themselves from poverty. Believe it or not, Romani children dream too - and together with you, we can help make them come true.

Thank you for your regular monthly support! It does make a difference!

You can learn more about the project here:


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Nevzdávejte se při prvním neúspěchu. Studujete pro sebe, ne pro titul nebo úspěch, ale pro to aby vás studium obohatilo o rozvoj vaší inteligence a růstu. Nic vás neodradí, pokud vaše víra nevydrží. Začátky jsou jako nové neochozené boty. Zprvu tlačí, ale potom se podají. Na vysokých školách nedostudují průměrní studenti, ale ti co nemají vůli. UŽ TED JSEM NA VÁS PYŠNÁ. Mgr. Albína Tancošová

Albína Tancošová
CZK 100

Skvělý projekt!

Jakub Terš

Držím palce!

Adrian Altman

Preji fajn studium!

CZK 500

Vzdelani je nejlepsi cesta k lepsimu zivotu, proto fandim tomu, co delate!


Super projekt, přeju hodně zdaru!

Adam Zábranský
CZK 2,000

Přeji hodně úspěchů ve studiu

Nada Nada
CZK 777

Preji vam at sezenete dalsi pravidelne darce a stipendium muzete poskytnout co nejvice studentum.


Jeden z nejsmysluplnejsich projektu. At se vam dari decka! Zaslouzite si to.

Gabriela Benešová

Za kazdej cervenej diplom zdvojnasobim mesicni castku

CZK 10,000