Children who have lost their parents, in most cases due to AIDS or malaria, are at home in the orphan care centre. In the poor areas it also sometimes happens that a parent abandons his/her child born into the first relationship in order to start a new relationship somewhere else. Such a child then survives with help of his/her old grandparents or very distant relatives who are not able to take adequate care of him/her.
So, the Mahango centre then becomes a real home with family feeling for these children. They are taken care of by nuns, male and female civilian caregivers, and a cook. Other orphans with whom they share the connection due to similar life experience and newly found friendships become their brothers and sisters.

The orphan care centre covers the children’s most basic needs
1. home with a family feeling
2. enough food
3. clothing, hygiene, and medical treatment, if needed
4. education
2. enough food
3. clothing, hygiene, and medical treatment, if needed
4. education
We help them to get on their own feet, so they can become positive change for Africa. We teach them to be self-reliant and partially self-sufficient, to cooperate and to be responsible.
Everybody has an irreplaceable role within the community in the centre, and the rest of the community relies on them. Everyone can contribute by applying their talents, skills, or accomplishments. While one group of children is cleaning the dining room, the second one is helping with cooking, the third group grows fresh vegetables in the garden, and the fourth is taking care of the livestock. The groups take turns after some time, which gives them ideas and experience which they will benefit from after returning to the "outside world".
However, children cannot take care of everything by themselves, they have to go to school and they should also play. Thanks to remote parents, the organisation Without Mummy ensures that children have regular and good quality food, everything related to hygiene and health, and everything they need for their studies (not only in primary school, but also in secondary school and beyond).
For a home to become a real home, it has to be cultivated and improved and the motherless children can achieve that only with your help.
For a home to become a real home, it has to be cultivated and improved and the motherless children can achieve that only with your help.

Náš kamoš Rido šiel pomôcť osobne a ja som vás chcel tiež aspoň takto podporiť. Nech sa tie deti majú aspoň trochu lepšie a nech zachránia náš svet. Veselé Vianoce
posíláme vánoční dárek do Tanzánie
Ať se vám stále daří podporovat smysluplné projekty.
Děkuji Káje Mackové za skvěle napsaný článek o sirotcích v Africe. Mnohým lidem to určitě otevře oči a nebude jim tato situace lhostejná. Kupte dětem nějaké ovoce z kterého sní i slupku a vycucají ho do poslední kapky 😊
A gift from the Johnson family in memory of Vasek Bocek.
Díky za to, co děláte ❤️
Díky za kousek lidskosti, který v nás zbyl ☺️