Nadace Via

Hospice and Paliative Care Giving Information

DOMESTICI.CZ | Martin Soucek | For a Dignified End of Life

We will ride 5,000 kilometers on a bicycle from the west to the east coast of the USA to support the development of palliative care in the Czech Republic together. I have positioned myself at the center of a team of domestiques who share a common goal – to get the racer to the finish line in the best physical and mental condition possible. This task is similar to that of the relatives of the severely ill and dying – to accompany their loved ones to the end. Become one of the domestiques and join this incredible adventure of helping.

5,000 kilometers for the last moments of life.

Let's together transform the way we die in the Czech Republic. Thank you for your support.
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
Life should be of quality and dignity until the last second. That's why palliative care is here. My dream is that together we will manage to raise 10 million CZK for this challenging aspect of life, which concerns each of us. = 10 million for palliative care, making the journey meaningful.

We will ride in a relay with Tomáš Navrátil in one of the toughest ultra-cycling races in the world: 5,000 kilometers in a mere 9-day limit. A race that cannot be managed without domestiques, those who help the racer reach the finish line. And it is these helpers, domestiques for palliative care, that I am looking for. Therefore, all your donations will be distributed for the direct support of palliative care in the Czech Republic. We will help a specific hospice, support the provision of mobile hospice care in regions, and invest in awareness, which is extremely important. I wish that together we ensure a quality and dignified life until the last moment for as many people as possible. Whether they are our loved ones or people we don't even know. Palliative care is not here to cure the patient at all costs, but to ensure that their departure is as they would have wished. I wish everyone such a departure. This is how I would like to leave one day. Become a domestique - join and donate.

Across America for Palliative Care!

5,000 km, 9 days, 24 hours in the saddle daily, and at least 555 km underfoot, a community of hundreds and thousands of generous people who think of others. Thank you for becoming a domestique of palliative care and for joining us!

How exactly will your donations help?

I created the project and joined forces with the Via Foundation, which established the Domestici donor fund and a public collection for the development of palliative care in the Czech Republic. All funds raised will be distributed among great organizations dedicated to palliative care and advancing it in the Czech Republic. Your donations will be distributed among:
  • Hospice of Saint Lazarus, helping people at the end of life in the Pilsen region.
  • The Mobile Hospices Forum, making palliative care more accessible in other regions of the Czech Republic.
  • The Center for Palliative Care providing education and information, essential for a good end to become commonplace.

Join the domestiques' peloton.

Please join my journey, come to the domestiques and let's change together the way we leave this world in the Czech Republic. How to do it?

  1. Donate an amount you can afford – directly on this page.
  2. Create your personal fundraising challenge for the project at
  3. Tell your friends and colleagues about and ask them to join too.
  4. Create your own sports challenge and link it with
  5. Any other way, nothing stands in the way of your creativity.
Become part of the domestiques' peloton! From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Martin Souček and domestiques
Follow the preparation for RAAM 2024: • Photos and videos on Instagram
More about the connection between palliative care and ultracycling: - Across America in 9 days
From time to time, we will inform you about the preparation for RAAM, as well as about palliative care and its support, through an email newsletter.

The project is implemented based on the initiative of Martin Souček in contractual cooperation with s.r.o. For this reason, your personal data will be transferred to s.r.o. to the necessary extent, exclusively for the purposes of project administration (thank you, impact analysis, further communication about the project, its results, and possibilities of its further support, fundraising for the project).


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Držím pěsti a přeju hodně sil do dalších dní na RAAM!!


Nelehký úkol s důstojným záměrem. Ať existuje dostatek síly i víry dotáhnout vše do úspěšného finále🙏🏻!

Dana Mueller
CZK 500

Makejte kluci ✊🏼✊🏼

CZK 300

Ať to šlape 😉

Karel Švejda
CZK 500

Martine držím palce, ať se vybere co nejvíc a užij si RAAM

Pavel Novotny

Ať to šlape. Diky, že můžu na tuto potřebnou péči přispět.

Monika Čudová
CZK 300

Obdivuji vás jako sportovec a ještě o trochu více jako člověk. To co děláte má smysl! Hodně sil. Smekám.

Vladimír Doležel
CZK 500

Zaberte panove, jsem s VAMI!

Tomáš Soukup
CZK 1,000

Ať vám to šlape :-)

Veronika Ďuranová
CZK 1,000

makej vole

Marek Bergauer
CZK 500