Nadace české bijáky

Culture, Art and History

Restoring the World of Fantasy

Let us give our children the film experience that audience once enjoyed at the premieres of Karel Zeman's films. This can be only achieved by digital restoration in top 4k quality. Thanks to the project Restoring the World of Fantasy, films The Fabulous World of Jules Verne (2015) and The Fabulous Baron Munchausen(2016) have already been restored. At this moment, we are working hard on the digital restoration of the iconic Journey to the Beginning of Time. The digital restoration of one film costs something between €40,000 and €80,000.

Help us to save Karel Zeman's films.

Let us give our children the film experience that audience once enjoyed at the premieres of Karel Zeman's films.
This campaign is already closed. Thank you!
The idea behind the Restoring the World of Fantasy project is to support the digital restoration of three films from the golden fund of Czech cinematography produced by Karel Zeman. The Czech Film Foundation is working closely with the Karel Zeman Museum and Czech Television on this project. Thanks to the active involvement of all three parties working on the project, it has developed beyond its original objective and given rise to a number of overlapping activities in areas such as education or the promotion of Czech filmmaking abroad.

"It is amazing that today's technologies enable restored and preserve any form of artistic works of the world that it will shine again and bring aesthetic and artistic experience to people, as their originals brought many years ago. Therefore I strongly support the project Restoring the World of Fantasy, because the famous films of my father belong among world artworks."

"The Fabulous World of Jules Verne, The Fabulous Baron Munchausen and Journey to the Beginning of Time are colored stylized artwork, which is an original fantasy of the artist. That is why it will not be easy to restore and digital restore it in the quality that will be identical to the original work of Karel Zeman. If we manage this it will be an amazing act of preservation and transmission of art for future generations. It is similar to discovering a rare old painting, which is restored by experts and then exhibited in museums worldwide."

"Movies of my father Karel Zeman represent the originality and imagination of Czech artist and belong among the world's artworks. It is important to ensure that one day, his work will not be lost. Therefore, I support the project " Restoring the World of Fantasy!"

Ludmila Zemanová

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Práce na digitálním restaurování Cesty do pravěku Karla Zemana jsou v plném proudu. Osvědčený tým restaurátorů pod vedením Ivo Maráka ze studia UPP, a.s. již má naskenované všechny zdrojové materiály, bohužel se nenašel negativ filmu a je tedy nutné vycházet z duplikačního pozitivu. Ten byl bohužel vyroben z negativu, který již v tu dobu nebyl v dobrém stavu. Většina poškození vyžaduje ruční retuše, což významně navyšuje objem pracnosti (počtu člověkohodin), které bude nutné do restaurování filmu investovat.

Další nemalý objem práce bude nutné věnovat gradingu, protože barvy duplikačního pozitivu nejsou ve shodě s barvami filmu. Stejně tak úpravy ostrosti jsou nad rámec původně uvažovaného rozpočtu.
Film již prošel základním automatickým i poloautomatickým čištěním. Nyní nastává časově nejnáročnější fáze prací, kdy je nutné projít každé filmové okénko filmu a odstranit případné nečistoty, škrábance a nánosy času.

Celkově odborníci na digitálním restaurování do kvality, na které Nadace české bijáky trvá, stráví minimálně 10 - 15 tisíc člověkohodin.

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CZK 500

Cesta do pravěku je film mého dětství :)

CZK 500