Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, z.s.

Development Aid Socially Disadvantaged Groups

Help for OPU

We help all those who have lost their native land. For more than 30 years OPU has been helping refugees and foreigners living in the Czech Republic. We focus on refugees from third countries. Since 2022, we have been actively involved in helping refugees from Ukraine who are fleeing war from their country. Together with us, you can support the integration of refugees into Czech society, as well as educational programs in schools and for the public, thus developing an open and tolerant society. We appreciate all your support.

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How do we help?
We provide free legal and social counselling. We help people with education, employment and housing. We organize cultural trips for Czech children and children of foreigners within the OPU Community Centre, we offer Czech language courses, also for adults. In schools and in the public space, we engage in educational activities. The social service Halfway House helps young foreigners without family background to become independent. Every year we help about 3500 clients all over the Czech Republic. Help with us!

Join our volunteer program: here

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Vím, že příspěvěk využijete dobře a děkuji za to

Tomáš Tichý
CZK 1,000

Vše dobré pro vás.

Eva Wagnerová
CZK 500

Musíme pomoci, vydržte!

Jaroslav Prášil
CZK 500

Má to smysl, děláte skvělou práci! :)

Kristína Lehutová

Prosím o zaslání potvrzení o daru pro naši účetní na mail
Dárcem je Nadační fond MEDIRECO,IČ: 05555604.
Sídlo: Legerova 389/56, Praha 2, Vinohrady 120 00

Nadační fond MEDIRECO IČ: 05555604
CZK 100,000

Kapela Šoulet podporuje OPU!

Tomáš Hradecký
CZK 500

Vydržte! Má to smysl!

Veronika Susedkova

Peněžitý dar města Veselí nad Moravou.

Město Veselí nad Moravou
CZK 20,000

Putin je vrah a zradca Ruského národa. Sláva Ukraine!

Michal Koreis
CZK 1,000

Pro Ukrajinu:-)

Darina Sedláčková
CZK 1,000